Online Leadership Training
Online Leadership Training – Leading the Way in Professional Development
Many organisations make the mistake of overlooking online leadership training courses as an opportunity for their business because they prefer the tried and tested traditional forms of training.
Some think that online training is somehow less effective than classroom-based training. This could not be further from the truth, and in fact, there are a great many other benefits of online learning. While this attitude towards online leadership training is weakening there are a lot of positives in favour of an online approach. Here are some of them:
Online Courses are More Cost Effective
One of the greatest benefits for your business is that training costs are reduced dramatically. First of all, online leadership training tends to be significantly cheaper than sending leaders to traditional “seminar style” classes. That means you save money even on the course itself.
Secondly, and something that is often not considered, you also save money transporting the person to and from the course, and also for the time that they spend on that travelling. Sometimes classroom-based training involves leaders being away overnight staying in hotels for one or two nights. This means that organisations are paying for their accommodation and other expenses too. Online leadership training has none of these hidden costs associated with it.
Costs are not just financial. Where leadership training involves significant travelling to get to the location of the class, there are also costs for the environment, as all journeys increase organisational carbon footprint.
Online leadership training is far more beneficial for the environment because it does not require any transportation. It may seem like a small thing but as time goes on, consumers are becoming more and more concerned about only purchasing with companies that are doing their bit for the environment, and those that don’t pay attention to this will surely get left behind.
Online Training is More Time Efficient
Online leadership training also is a more time-efficient method for training leaders because it offers individuals tremendous flexibility.
They can study when they want and where they want.
By offering employees online leadership training and letting them build this into their own working day, individuals will naturally gravitate to carrying out their training sessions while they have quiet time. This means that your employees are making better use of the time that you are paying them for, and this is far more efficient than sending them out of the office for three days when it would be a busy time, operationally.
Alternatively, with increasing coverage of 4G mobile networks and the broad uptake of mobile devices, many leaders who take public transport can even learn while on their commute to and from work if they wish. The choice is theirs.
Online Programs can Deliver Better Learning Outcomes
In terms of learning and retaining information, online leadership training shines through again.
Studies have shown that the amount of information retained from a 2-3 day seminar that leaders attend tends to be very low. Traditional teaching in this way has sometimes only managed to encourage a level of 10% retention of information in attendees. That means a phenomenal 90% is lost! That also means you’re losing 90% of what you have paid for a training product, effectively.
The problem with traditional leadership training is that employees go on intensive courses and tend to get overloaded with a great deal of information in just a couple of days. It can be very hard to remember much of that in the longer term, and most of it is not absorbed, unfortunately.

Seminar or Classroom-based learning is like drinking from a fire hose.
Meanwhile, online learning allows employees to absorb bite-sized chunks of information, and also to revisit the same information over and over again. This means more leadership knowledge is retained inside the organisation.
In the Great Managers Academy, an innovative online leadership training course, small lessons of 30 to 60 minutes are taught. These are more likely to stick with learners because they offer the opportunity to learn and apply the information, practising one skill at a time. This method of learning is much more effective in helping to develop new skills as the brain responds to rapid application of 1 specific thing and new neurological pathways are formed.
The old days of giving you 10 hours of information overload in a 2-day seminar and then expecting you to go out and remember it, apply it and be effective….are gone.
Isn’t it time you contemplated Online Leadership Training for your Organisation?
The short of it is that organisations that don’t already use online training courses should revisit the decision and look at the benefits. Taking your courses online has clearly got the potential to cut the training budget, increase operational efficiency and raise the retention of leadership learning among employees. Isn’t it time that you reconsidered online leadership training?
To find out more about Leadership Training and how you can develop your Leadership Capability online see our Course Outline or read some Online Leadership Training Testimonials.