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Great Managers

A Membership to Expert Online Training that gives you the exact steps to solve ANY Management Issue.

Great Leadership Starts

with Great Managers

What is the MasterClass Membership?

The Great Managers MasterClass gives you the latest in leadership thinking and practice. Every successful leader has a mentor, but finding the ideal mentor for you is not always easy or affordable. This membership provides a leadership coach at your fingertips.


The 6 Essential Skills for Effectively Managing REMOTE TEAMS

Having Virtual or Remote staff is not a new concept.
Many organisations have had teams working remotely for a very long time.
But today, this is no longer just a trend, it’s a necessity!

Building Trust in Teams

Trust is a huge driver of productivity and performance. It is essential in building a High Performing Team.

How to deal with Defensiveness

Sometimes the hardest part of managing people is Dealing with Defensiveness – the other person’s and your own!

What will it give me access to?

The MasterClasses cover a range of short “how-to” topics to help you get the best from your team. You will get unlimited access to our ever-growing library of MasterClass recordings, which is usually only shared among the top 1% of leaders in the world. You will also get…

  • Phone/Email Support
    Whenever you have a problem, all you need to do is call or email the team for help. We’ll be there to support you.
  • Interactive Community
    Connect, network and build friendships and business relationships with other ambitious managers who are striving for greatness.
  • Audio Downloads
    You can easily download audio files of the content so you can keep learning while you’re in the car, at the gym or even walking the dog.
  • Unlimited Access To Our Management Video Library
    24/7 access to the Great Managers MasterClass content library from anywhere in the world, on any device – all you need is an internet connection!
  • 100’s Of Extra Resources
    You’ll also get hundreds of other trainings and resources that have been tried, tested and proven to work over 20+ years of people and culture management.
woman with laptop

Who is the
MasterClass for?

It is ideal for busy Executives, Managers and Team leaders who want to improve the results they’re getting from their staff and keep up with the latest in contemporary leadership.

woman with laptop

It IS for you if…

  • You understand the importance of regular top-ups to your leadership knowledge and skill-bank
  • You’re time poor & don’t want to attend seminars, but still want to learn best practice people management techniques.
  • You want convenient, 24/7 access to support and solutions to almost any people problem.
  • You’re looking for practical, easy to implement training specifically designed for leaders
  • You want to stay ahead of the pack and outshine your competition
  • You want training delivered in your organisation to focus on practical application and skill development.
  • You want a team of experts in your corner who’ll help you bring out the best in you and your staff.

It’s NOT for you if…

  • You are happy where you are in your career and are not looking to improve the results you’re getting.
    We can’t “force” you to apply what we teach and, like anything, your success will rely on putting what you learn into practice. So if you’re entirely happy where you are right now and not looking to improve, then this might not be for you.
  • You cannot spare an hour per month
    Whilst you are free to choose if you attend the live sessions, and can access the library at any time that suits you… to get the most value from this membership, we highly recommend you commit to one lesson, that’s an hour each month. That’s it.

Our MasterClass develops Leaders using
our proven capability-based approach.

You learn a
new skill

Apply it in
your workplace

You learn a
another skill

Apply it in
your workplace

This is what creates lasting behavioural and cultural change.

Just Some of our Reviews

Warwick Burke

warwick burke

“Great Managers is a well structured program with a solid base, building to some strong strategic approaches for dealing with common issues. It provides reinforcement of techniques to be a good leader and manage, with tools to call on when required.”

Warwick Burke

NSW | Education

Danny Yeadon

“Great Managers – Do it. It’s worthwhile. Our Coach had excellent knowledge of the content, and an excellent ability to convey the information to us.”

Danny Yeadon

NSW | Education

Melanie Caban

“Great Managers is a very worthwhile program, if you think you have done it all before and know it all, think again. Everyone has something to gain from this program, and it leaves you with a Toolkit of skills to draw from.”

Melanie Caban

Upper Hunter Shire Council

James Quiring

“Great Managers is a very worthwhile program, if you think you have done it all before and know it all, think again. Everyone has something to gain from this program, and it leaves you with a Toolkit of skills to draw from.”

James Quiring

NSW | Education

We are all about building new skills, habits, and mindsets.
Want to see how your organisation can benefit?


We’re on a mission to fill the world with Great Managers

Great leadership is your key to creating a high performing team and a high performing workplace. And Great Leadership starts with Great Managers.

great managers