Have you ever felt like you’ve been ‘smacked around’ by life?

Sometimes life throws you a curveball; something that knocks you for six, that makes you wonder whether life will ever be the same again…

It might be work-related or in your personal life, but a traumatic event can make you feel defeated, or rejected or helpless or completely shattered or a whole range of other things – like you’re riding a roller coaster of emotions and you can’t get off.

Exposure to traumatic events can lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Several recent developments in the trauma field have led to significant changes in how PTSD is diagnosed and treated.

Martin Seligman has done some significant work in this area and has found from his research that people who had experienced particularly awful situations could experience what’s called Post-Traumatic Growth.

Seligman found that with the right support and a good process trauma doesn’t need to flatten us forever.

Martin Seligman’s been offering this type of support to the U.S. Army since 2009 via his Master Resilience Training.

In the video above, I’ll give you a snapshot of the 5 Steps for Building Resilience from this Master Resilience Training program.

For more practical ways to Build Resilience as a Leader, you can now enrol in this full-length course on Udemy, click here to claim a limited time discount.

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5 Steps for Building the Resilience of an Army Soldier

Martin Seligman’s Master Resilience Training focuses on five key areas:

How to Build Resilience Step 1 – Build Mental Toughness

In the first step of the program, they use a range of techniques to tap into and reality check beliefs and thinking, and to learn mastery of thinking.

Because it’s your thinking that drives emotions and behaviour.


How to Build Resilience Step 2 – Fight Catastrophic Thoughts

The next strategy in the program is to help soldiers fight catastrophic thoughts in real-time.

After a trauma, it can be easy to get trapped by catastrophic thinking… which is constantly imagining and reliving the worst.

This can be a thinking habit that people who haven’t experienced trauma can get stuck in too, and it can be a real source of stress.

So to overcome this, soldiers are taught to follow three steps.

  • Gather Evidence – check if the evidence backed up what they are thinking about a situation.

So, for example, if they were imagining that their partner was going to leave them while they’re away on duty, some evidence gathering included things like the fact that their partner had always replied to emails in the past and that because of their location overseas it usually took some time to hear back.

  • Apply Optimistic Thinking – choosing the most positive lens to see the situation, instead of the most catastrophic.

This could include focusing on how good it will be to hear news from home when the email does arrive.

  • Gain Perspective

To gain perspective, soldiers were encouraged to consider three things: the worst case, the best case, and the most likely case.

So the worst case in our example might’ve been that their partner was with someone else.

The best case might’ve been that their partner consistently shows their commitment to them.

And the most likely case could have been something like my partner is busy with the kids and their family and friends who are an important part of their support network.

So, this approach doesn’t assume that you replace every negative thought with a positive one. It’s designed as a stop-gap to short circuit catastrophic thinking so that a person can stay resourceful and not be overwhelmed by catastrophic thinking.

How to Build Resilience Step 3 – Hunt the Good Stuff

Soldiers were encouraged to keep a gratitude journal and each morning to write down three good things that had happened the day before.

To start with, the soldiers tended to focus on what was happening to them at work.

But over time, their good stuff also included details about personal events like phone calls home to their family and the good things that were happening there.

They found that they had started to listen more actively and pay more attention to positive experiences, which improved their relationships and their positive emotions.

How to Build Resilience Step 4 – Use Character Strengths

Participants in the program filled out the VIA character strengths survey.

We also use this survey within our Great Managers Academy training as there’s strong research that shows that when people know and use their strengths, they perform much better in all areas of their life.


Step 5 – Build Strong Relationships.

As you can imagine, personal and professional relationships are a source of a lot of challenges for people in the military.

They’re challenges for us in most workplaces as well.

The goal of this step of the training was to provide practical tools to build relationships and challenge the beliefs that might get in the way of positive communication.

Strong relationships are important for all of us.

Sheryl Sandberg in Option B talks about how important strong relationships are in helping us recover from setbacks.

We are hardwired to connect with others, but when we’re struggling, we can often pull away from others rather than connect in or ask for help.


Next Steps

In terms of results from this Master Resilience Training, since 2009, hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers have completed the program.

A 2013 evaluation showed that the program had resulted in:

  • A reduction in the rates of mental health issues
  • A reduction in the PTSD symptoms amongst soldiers

So in a tough environment like the military, these are some pretty powerful results for them, and these show that we can really work on our ability to recover, even from the toughest sorts of setbacks.

Note: If you’re interested in more detail around Seligman’s MRT program, you will find it in his book called Flourish.

If you would like to learn more ways to Build Resilience and Bounce Back from Setbacks, enrol in our Udemy course today. Click here for a limited time discount.

Sometimes the hardest thing about managing people, particularly in relation to performance conversations and providing feedback, is dealing with defensiveness… the other person’s and your own!

While defensiveness is a ‘normal’ human behaviour it can get in the way of our ability to communicate with others and achieve our desired outcome.

It can feel like we’re going around in circles… or backwards even.

It can be incredibly frustrating!

However, if you know how to identify Defensiveness, understand it and handle it in an effective way before it takes hold, your discussions can be focused on the future, on solutions and next steps, as opposed to being stuck in protectiveness, the past, and who’s to blame.

This MasterClass is all about How to Deal with Defensiveness in a skilful, emotionally intelligent way.

You can now enrol in this full-length course on Udemy, click here to claim a limited time discount.

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What is Defensiveness?

  • Our first definition is that it’s a position, or attitude, of defence or resistance.
  • It’s also defined as being excessively concerned about the real or imagined threat of criticism, injury to one’s ego or exposure of one’s shortcomings.

We need to be able to recognise the signs.

Understanding the mechanics of the mind, and how the brain works, is critical to learning how to manage yourself and develop new behaviours for dealing with Defensiveness.

Let’s have a look at some different signs of Defensive behaviour…

How to Recognise the Signs of Defensive Behaviour


1. Rationalising

Rationalising can also be identified as explaining yourself & making excuses.

With this pattern, you might find yourself saying:

“yes, BUT…”

an awful lot.

Someone might make a comment, and you say “yes, BUT!” and you’ll explain why you have to do things the way you do or explain why the other person is wrong.

You feel that you have to justify your behaviour and act as though their questions or comments are attacks on you.

If someone expresses their feelings, for example, someone might say to you:

“I’m really disappointed that you can’t come to our lunch”

You’d end up getting upset with them and explaining the numerous reasons why you can’t go to the lunch rather than just acknowledging that this person is going miss you at the event.

2. Blaming

point,defensive,defensivenessWhen Blaming, you shift the focus away from yourself by making the other person, or the people, the reason for your behaviour or the way you feel.

For example, if you didn’t get to work on time it’s because someone didn’t wake you up or you just missed the bus because the insensitive bus driver didn’t stop when he saw you.

It is always someone else’s fault with this pattern.

3. Attack and Counter Attack

You might complain about a problem you’re having to someone and when they give you some insight into the role you play in the problem, you attack or judge the person.

You say; “huh?” you feel indignant, you feel wounded or misunderstood by the suggestion that you might play a role in your own problems.

And you might accuse them of being mean and insensitive or you counter-attack by drawing their attention to something that they’re struggling with and how ineffective they have been.

4. The Need to be Right

Defensiveness from the need to be rightThe need to be right can also be identified as the need to make others wrong.

This is characterised by a tendency to see why things won’t work or point out flaws.

This can take a few different forms.

  • It can be an oppositional style which is characterised by stubbornness, sarcasm, cynicism.  You know the one: “…as if that’ll work!”
  • It can be a controlling authoritarian style where it can only be done one way: “it has to be done this way!”
  • It can be a competitive style which is what we call a win-lose mindset where you need to beat the other person, you always need to be one-up on the other person.

Dealing with Defensiveness is an “Inside” Job

You’ll never handle Defensiveness in others well if you can’t handle your own Defensiveness, or at least notice when that self-protective system is firing up.

Self-awareness must come first.

You must tune-in to yourself and be able to read the signs.

As you work on shifting from the automatic self-protective behaviours, you’re strengthening your self-actualising system.

This requires that you develop your observing self.

Start by asking yourself, “What am I feeling?” and then labelling the feeling.

This is important.

This is part of self-management and if you can’t do this immediately you might need to notice what behaviour you are displaying or contemplating.

For example, are you shutting down emotionally or are you winding-up emotionally?

It’s important to notice and label this feeling because this will help quiet down the amygdala  – the emotional brain.

The next thing to do is tune-in to your body, your physiology.

Notice, with the observing self, what’s happening in your body?droopy,shrug,stress,worry,defensive,physiology

Is your breathing shallow? Is your heart pounding? Are your muscles tense? Because the first sign of Defensiveness might be an emotion, or it might be a bodily sensation, it might be like a jolt of energy where you feel the protectiveness kick in.

There will be thinking going on behind this but it’s normally not conscious.

To regain control, you need to make this thinking conscious.

This is what self-management is all about.

Making these thoughts conscious, fires up the higher role or clever part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex. We’re using that emotion to guide thinking.

Curiosity is a very valuable emotion.



Dealing With Defensiveness – The SCARF Model

One of the most useful models I’ve come across to deal with my own defensiveness and that of others is the SCARF Model, developed by an Australian neuroscientist called David Rock.

DAVID ROCK,MASTERCLASS,SCARF MODEL,defensivenessHe identified what he calls our “modern-day threat responses.”

These are the things that trigger our fight/flight instinct, or self-protective system, the most in our modern-day workplaces and world.

This model helps us understand the unconscious drivers of human behaviour, and to get to the cause of Defensiveness.

If we don’t have a framework like SCARF, all defensiveness can look the same, and we’ll deal with it all in the same way. We’ll use a one-size-fits-all approach. Or, we can be triggered into using the same behaviour as the other person, without being aware of it.

Behaviour breeds behaviour.

Now, the five modern-day threats identified by David Rock are:

  1. Status
  2. Certainty
  3. Autonomy
  4. Relatedness
  5. Fairness.

The reality is that when we’re being Defensive, the fight/flight instinct is activated and we’re having what’s called a “threat response.”

Our primitive brain thinks we’re unsafe, and our ability to think clearly and solve problems is diminished.

Our brains are not working optimally.

Our emotional brain is up-regulated, and our clever brain is down-regulated.

We’re in survival mode.

Now, these threats light up in the brain the same way that physical pain does.

So, our brain perceives a social threat with the same intensity as an actual physical threat.

We get hijacked by our brain.

It’s only when we can pull up that threat response, that we can move towards what’s called a “reward response,” which means our brain chemistry has shifted into a positive register and our clever brain, the prefrontal cortex, is now active.

This part of your brain loves questions.

That’s why we ask ourselves these questions:

  • “What am I feeling?”
  • “What am I thinking?”
  • “What’s that about?”
  • “How else can I think about this?”

Because these questions switch on your prefrontal cortex.

This part of your brain allows your thinking to become solution-focused, and it feels good.

When you can help others move out of threat towards reward, they start working with you rather than against you.

Being able to identify and pull up a threat response is a very skilful approach.

It’s emotional intelligence in action. As a leader, it’s important to be able to influence the behaviour of others in the right direction, so we tune in to what the other person is doing and saying.

What is Status Threat?

A Status Threat is about relative importance to others or our credibility.

If someone is having a Status Threat, they feel diminished in some way.

To move them away from threat towards reward, we need to acknowledge or affirm them in a genuine way.

Now, in that moment, your ego will not want you to do this, but it works. Just try it!

What is a Certainty Threat?

A Certainty Threat is about being able to predict the future.

If someone is having a Certainty Threat, they may say something like,

“No one ever tells us anything around here!”

And rather than getting defensive back and telling them how many times you’ve told them, you might say instead,

“What information do you need?”

Because that question is going to get them into solution-mode.

What is an Autonomy Threat?

Autonomy provides a sense of control over events.

If someone is having an Autonomy Threat, they’re going to feel like they’ve had no input or have no control.

In this situation, it’s a good idea to give them a choice.

You might say something like:

“Well, we could do X or Y. Which do you think would work best?” 

What is a Relatedness Threat?

Relatedness is a sense of safety with others. Friend, rather than foe… a feeling of belonging.

It’s very important that leaders demonstrate that they are friend rather than foe, and can build trust with a wide range of people.

I’m not suggesting here that you need to become their friend and start socialising with them.

You need to demonstrate that you are safe, that there is trust and respect in that connection with the other person.

Your communication skills and emotional tone play a very significant role in this.

What is a Fairness Threat?

Fairness is a perception of fair exchanges between people.

As a leader, you need to be consistent with your people. Otherwise, a fairness threat will be activated.

People will say things like:

“That’s not fair!”

Because we’re hardwired to sniff out injustice or unfairness and Defensiveness will ensue if this is the case.

Being consistent is incredibly important.

great managers masterclass

Next Steps

We cover the SCARF Model in quite a bit of detail in our training program, the Great Managers Academy.

For the full-length version on Dealing With Defensiveness, enrol in our Udemy course today. Click here for a limited time discount.

According to a recent survey conducted by Gallup, companies with high employee engagement rates are 21% more profitable. So no matter your industry, business size, or economic climate, high engagement always creates a positive effect… and before you can increase your engagement, you need strong employee connections.

However, establishing and maintaining connections have become more challenging since the pandemic. Many are still working fully or partially from home. And while communication is a lot easier than ever, it’s becoming evident that frequent Zoom calls are not enough!

So, how do you reignite employee connections in this current situation?

Host Virtual Games, Shows, and Classes

virtual manager meeting,remote work

From weekly Tik Tok challenges to trivia games to Netflix watch parties to scavenger hunts, there are various ways to add some spice to your online gatherings.

Try to make the virtual culture more exciting by creating it with them.

The techniques of other companies may not be suitable for your employees, so it’s better to include them in designing the activities.

Managers can then refine their ideas and ensure that these align with the company goals and values.

Send Fun and Thoughtful Care Packages

Many companies specialising in virtual company events sprouted last year, and one of them is TeamBuilding–which also offers care packages that contain items related to select themes.

Packages containing tiny campfires, detective equipment, cocktail sets etc., can spur the interest of employees.

You can choose from 22 unique virtual activities that have gained over 22k reviews from high profile organisations like Google, Apple, Amazon, NASA, etc.

Celebrating accomplishments, milestones, and holidays is another way to demonstrate managerial capability. 

Depending on your budget and company culture, care package themes include:

  • Self-Care Pamper Pack
  • Home Office Essentials
  • Picnic Set
  • Plant Care Package
  • Snacks + Wine Package
  • Eco-friendly Care Package

employee care package,picnic hampe

So you no longer have to put these packages together yourself because these specialised companies will do the heavy lifting for you!

You can also check out this handy guide on corporate gifting


Reinforce Your Purpose

Many jobs are routine, especially now that there are no out-of-town business trips, corporate parties, and pantry chats.

Employees may experience exhaustion about doing the same activities 5 to 6 days a week and start to question their choices.

Make it a point to remind them of your purpose.

For example, are you providing delivery services to help vulnerable population access necessities without leaving their homes?

Are you an organisation that’s working to protect plant and animal species from extinction?

Are you a grocery store providing jobs for low-income single parents?

Remind them their work also supports a community.

Create a Culture of Connectedness

Humans are designed to seek connection, which is why it’s essential to make employees feel included.

It’s vital to recognise that they’re more than contributors to the company’s success but are also people with stories, interests, ideas, and humour.

According to Hayes Thomas, CEO of Novalease,

“As a manager, I make sure that the office environment is safe and authentic for employees to share their thoughts.

We do it by having some light-hearted conversations in between meetings to ease any tension.”

great workplace culture,team meeting


Next Steps

The pandemic has dramatically shifted the office environment, creating new challenges for managers. 

Looking for more ways to effectively manage remote teams?  Learn the 6 essential skills you need here.

Having Virtual or Remote staff is not a new concept.
Many organisations have had teams working remotely for a very long time.
But today, this is no longer just a trend, it’s a necessity!

As a leader, it is vital you adapt quickly to this change and take advantage of its benefits… whilst mitigating its risks and challenges.

When the topic of remote work comes up, it’s quite common for people to be doubtful about how to get it to work best, particularly those with newly remote workers.

One of the issues with working from home is that people can feel isolated and disconnected, or they can get very distracted.

Many people don’t cope well with this style of working, while others love it.

But for both sides it’s important you set it up well and continue to check in with your team to make sure everything is working for them and obviously work is still getting done.

Research on Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Contagion tells us that employees look to their managers for cues about how to react to sudden changes like this.

The purpose of this MasterClass is to help inform you so that you can set the best example possible during these turbulent times and Manage your Remote Team in the most effective way.

great managers masterclass

In the video above, we’ll give you the 6 Essential Skills you need for Effectively Managing Remote Teams.

If you would like to learn more ways to Effectively Manage your Remote Team, you can view the full-length lesson in our Great Managers MasterClass. For a limited time, you can subscribe to our MasterClass for free.

Click on the button below to find out more!
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How to Effectively Manage Remote Teams

Working remotely changes the team’s interpersonal dynamics, even if you don’t want it to.

This is where knowing your team members becomes even more important.

Things like their personality type, their strengths and weaknesses their needs and their family or home situation.

Skill 1 – Build Trust

remote worker,home office,manager

The foundation of high performance in any team is trust. This becomes even more important now.

Building and maintaining trust relies on connection communication and relationship building.

So, as a leader you need to take intentional steps to build trust… to fill in those connection gaps when your team is working remotely.

Default to Transparency

Zapier, a company that is expert at remote working describes this as default to transparency.

This is actually one of their company values.

Communicate more than you think is necessary

With some (or all) of your team working physically alone, it can be easy to unintentionally withhold information, or not give enough context to explain decisions or actions.

Pay attention to how and when you share information and look for opportunities to create transparency. Regular check-ins will help too.

It’s really important to communicate more than you think is necessary rather than less.

Be Aware of your Teams’ “Affinity Distance”

According to Karen Sobel Lojeski from the Stony Brook University, teams that are vulnerable to problems when working remotely are those that have what she calls a high Affinity Distance.

A high Affinity Distance means that there’s an emotional separation between team members.

They’re not connected to each other. They don’t share the same values or attitudes to work.

When this is the case it’s easier for people to lie, make excuses and not support each other.

Lack of trust will get in the way of productivity with remote working and lack of trust makes us assume the worst about someone, so use this time to get to know your people better because generally the more you know someone the more you trust them.

For our Great Managers members and MasterClass subscribers have a look at our MasterClass on Building Trust in Teams for some more specific information about what to do here.

Find out more about Great Managers’ MasterClass course
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Skill 2 – Set Clear Expectations

Another skill that becomes even more important when working remotely is setting clear expectations.

Get very clear about what needs to be done by whom and by when. Your planning skills are really going to come into play here.

Plan for the Priorities. What’s the highest priority this week? What’s the highest priority this month?

What do you and the team need to deliver?

remote work plan,managing virtual teams

This is where a simple work plan can be very helpful to make sure that everyone knows what’s expected and you’re all on the same page,

Agree on Signals About Availability

Another important aspect of setting clear expectations is agreeing on signals about availability.

When are you free to talk? When aren’t you?

Remember that we’re missing the usual visual cues and we all know that constant interruptions are not good for productivity!

Skill 3 – Ultra-Clear Communication

Spend the time to communicate with the intention of being ultra-clear.

No matter the medium that you’re using.

Brevity ≠ Efficient

Sometimes when we’re communicating on the phone or online, rather than in person, we might use fewer words or use brevity, thinking we’re
being more efficient.

But it’s not efficient if people have to spend a lot of time trying to work out what you really meant or have missed half the message!

Master Your Listening Skills

Listening skills are paramount as we’re missing some of the nonverbals.

Being really present is needed. Master your listening skills like paraphrasing and clarifying.

Make sure you understand each other. Use video calls whenever you can for important information exchanges so that you can see more body language.

Establish Communication Norms for your Remote team

Establish some communication norms for your team that will help with clarity.

We’re all aware of shorthand like FYI (for your information) and I’ve heard of remote teams developing their own shorthand for messages with each other particularly in emails.

Find out what works best for team members, as norms can also exist on an individual level such as people’s preferred response time, writing style and tone.

For example, some individuals prefer short and quick messages while others favour lengthy and detailed responses.

Being able to tailor for individual needs is relatively easy if you have a small team, but it’s much harder if your team is large so do your best!

Now if you’re a CEO or general manager and your staff are working remotely, keeping in touch with all of them is very important now.

You might hold virtual “Town Hall” style meetings if you’ve been used to doing that sort of thing face to face.

Or a personal email to all staff on a Friday letting them know about some of the highlights of the week, updating them on what’s coming up and wishing them a good weekend can work wonders.

remote working,checking phone,managing teams

Communication is the tool that you need to stay connected. Communicate more than you think is necessary, rather than less.

Not enough communication is what causes people to feel isolated, invisible or not valued in a remote team.

Skill 4 – Regular check-ins

Regular check-ins help you manage effectively at the best of times and become even more important with remote work.

One of the key success factors in remote work is having structure.

Daily Individual or Team Chats

We all work better with the right routines so one of your routines might be to check-in via a quick phone call to your team members each day to say hi and have a brief chat.

Or you might decide to start each workday with a 30-minute team check-in that provides a chance for everyone to say hi to each other, share information or ask questions.

Ask Your Team for Input

It’s well worth asking your team for input on this. Ask them what do we need to do collectively to stay productive and engaged together.

Weekly or Fortnightly 1 on 1 Meetings

A regular one-on-one check-in where you discuss work priorities and deliverables is important too.

This meeting is more structured and should be ideally weekly, or at a pinch fortnightly.

Monthly might work for these when you’re co-located and having spontaneous face-to-face conversations but it’s way too long when working remotely.

Shorter, more regular meetings work better than occasional longer ones.

This is one of the routines that often slides or doesn’t get done. It needs to become a higher priority with a remote team.

Skill 5 – Managing Productivity and Performance

Keeping up with your employees’ progress is important for teams in the same physical location and even more so for remote teams.

Productivity and progress should be metrics for any team and reviewed and discussed on a regular basis.

Make these types of conversations part of your new normal.

Providing regular feedback can help team members improve their work and lessen the chance of them delivering low quality work.

It also keeps them accountable.

Give positive feedback about what has been done well and corrective feedback when they’ve gone off track.

Provide feedback at every check-in. (Your staff will appreciate it). Regular feedback is a big contributor to employee engagement and motivation.

Become Accomplishment Focused

One of the important things to do when managing a remote team is to become more accomplishment focused rather than activity focused.

Focus on outcomes and deliverables through your regular check-ins.

video conference,work from home,managing remote staff

Activity focus can lead to dependency in your team and also to micromanaging. So, be clear about outcomes and deliverables and then get out of their way.

Skill 6 – Proactively Manage Poor Performance

Let’s talk about managing poor performance in a remote worker.

When you are managing a remote team it’s more important than ever to tackle any issues about performance.

Because your team members are out of sight this means poor performance can take longer to notice (unless you’re being really proactive about it). …And we all know that avoidance of these issues makes them worse, not better.

The first thing to remember is that nobody comes to work wanting to be a poor performer.

If you’ve just started working remotely this change is a good opportunity to reset your expectations about performance.

Set Crystal Clear Expectations and Examples

Start by setting crystal clear expectations about what good performance or success means.

Be clear about any concerns that you have and get the person involved in coming up with a solution to address those concerns.

For example, if you’ve got a worker who already struggles to meet deadlines or deliver work on time chances are that they might need some strategies to structure their workday from home. Once you’ve identified what the issue is, ask them how they will tackle it.

Be Clear about Concerns, Talk Straight

This is where your ability to give skillful feedback and talk Straight is really important.

As author Brene Brown says:

“Clear is kind, unclear is unkind.”

Coach Your Remote Team

Resist the temptation to tell them what they need to do, and how to do it.

Coach them rather than tell them. Ask good questions to develop their problem-solving skills.

Remote workers will come across challenges they’ll need to solve all the time so use an approach to performance management that encourages them to build their problem-solving skills and get more resourceful.

Use a Performance Plan

Use a document like a performance plan to keep a clear record of your discussions.

This is useful for a couple of reasons:

  • It means you’ve got a roadmap to follow from one conversation to the next and you can document improvements or changes made and
  • It also gives you a record in case you need it in the future

Seek Support from HR

If you can’t get this person’s performance back on track, you’ve tried all these things and nothing changes it’s really time to change gears.

Discuss your situation with your HR manager (or HR professionals available to you) because it might be time to move to a disciplinary approach and you’ll need their help for that.

Next Steps

great managers masterclass
If you would like to learn more ways to Effectively Manage your Remote Team, you can view the full-length lesson in our Great Managers MasterClass. For a limited time, you can subscribe to our MasterClass for free. Click here for more info.

What tough decisions do you need to make right now at work or in your life?

How are you going to make them?

Every day, whether we like it or not, we have to make many decisions. We have to make choices that can impact ourselves, our organisations and others.

Our choices have consequences.

Self-knowledge is critical for making the right decisions.

Some people know they are indecisive – they agonise about making decisions and can get paralysed in the grocery store due to the amount of choice.

Others rate themselves as good decision-makers because they make decisions fast.

But is that the BEST way to make sound decisions?

In this preview of a recent Great Managers MasterClass, you will learn a 4-Step process that will help you make sound Decisions at work and in your life!

If you would like to view the full-length lesson on How to Make Better Decisions (and nearly 100 other workshops-on-demand), for a limited time you can subscribe to the Great Managers MasterClass for free. *Click here for more info.*


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How to Make Better Decisions – The WRAP Process

heath,wrap process,great managers masterclass,decisionsThis is Chip and Dan Heath’s WRAP process.

It brings together many aspects of research in decision making in a way that’s very accessible and easy to implement.

Widen Your Options

The Heaths cite research which demonstrates that widening your options (considering and analysing alternatives in different ways) leads to better decisions, which in turn lead to better performance and also to better life outcomes for us.

Often our options are more plentiful than we think. Yet sometimes we’re not considering anymore than one or two options.

Reality Test

We discussed earlier in this MasterClass how our biases operate to skew our judgement, and in particular confirmation bias makes us seek out information which supports our views, rather than challenges them.

emotional agility,decisions,fishing

This does not always lead to the best decisions being made.

So we need to reality test our assumptions.

Sometimes we kid ourselves that we’re gathering information, when in fact we’re really just “fishing” for support.

We might even be coming up with “sham” options so that we get what we want.

Attain Distance

When we’re in the grip of a decision, not only do we have an inward view so that all of our biases are operating, we also have an emotional attachment.

So this third step is to distance yourself from the decision before you finally make it.

Here’s a few suggestions.

The first one is to overcome short-term emotion because it’s an unreliable advisor.

Another suggestion is you can use the 10/10/10 test by asking yourself the following questions, and I’m sure a number of you will have heard of this before:

  • How will I feel about this decision in 10 minutes?
  • How will I feel about this decision in 10 months?
  • How will I feel about this decision in 10 years?

This helps to level the emotional playing field and put things in perspective.

Our decisions are often altered by two subtle short-term emotions.

One being familiarity, which is about comfort, and the other one which is about loss, which is discomfort.

Be aware of our need to avoid loss.

This is often called “loss aversion”.

We’re actually hardwired to avoid loss more than we are to gain something. That being known, most change initiatives in organisations don’t pay enough attention to what is being lost.

And this is where some of the resistance comes from during organisational change.

Prepare to be Wrong

So the fourth step in the WRAP Process is to prepare to be wrong.

This is a bit counterintuitive, isn’t it?

But what the Heaths mean by this is to do some contingency planning, and consider what a bad outcome might look like, and then have the flexibility and courage to adjust your decision if needed.

There we have it. We have our WRAP process, and it looks pretty simple but what we like about it is the science behind it: each step helps us to overcome those biases that get in the way of making good decisions.

So, to re-cap the 4 steps… widen your options, reality test your assumptions, attain distance before deciding so that you can overcome those short-term emotions, and prepare to be wrong.

great managers masterclass

Next Steps

By following this four-step process, you’ll significantly improve your decision-making ability.

If you would like to learn practical steps to begin overcoming all the tough decisions in your life, you can view the full-length lesson on How to Make Better Decisions (along with nearly 100 other skill-boosting lessons) in our Great Managers MasterClass.

For a limited time, you can subscribe to our MasterClass for free. Click here for more info.

Keeping up with the relentless pace of change is part of our world and organisational life today…
and it’s not going to slow down any time soon.

This fast pace can take its toll on everyone, so it makes good business sense to develop yourself and your people in a way which strengthens them from the inside out.

This preview of a recent Great Managers MasterClass will strengthen you so that you don’t just cope with our fast-paced world, you FLOURISH!

Flourishing is about wellbeing, heightened development, positivity, growth and a feeling of confidence & success.

If we don’t actively develop the necessary skills, habits and routines, it’s highly likely that we will flounder rather than flourish.

The more resourceful people are in their lives the more energy they will bring to work which increases engagement, productivity and results.

In this MasterClass, Sandra will provide the Formula for Flourishing including the 6 most well-researched, tried and tested habits that will help you FLOURISH and get the most out of life.

If you would like to view the full-length lesson on The Formula for Flourishing, for a limited time you can subscribe to the Great Managers MasterClass for free. *Click here for more info.*

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What are the benefits of Flourishing?


What happens when people flourish at work?

There’s been a lot of research done on this topic and the consensus from the experts is that when people thrive in their jobs:

  • They are nearly 6 times more likely to feel engaged
  • 29% more likely to be productive
  • 45% more likely to be satisfied in their jobs
  • 46% less likely to have time off for illness
  • 32% less likely to leave.

When we’re flourishing in our lives and at work, we experience a lot more energy.

So remember our Great Managers Mantra: To value your energy, like the precious resource that it is?

Well, there are many of you who tell us how hard it is to do this with everything you’ve got on at work and in your life.

Energy can get pretty low right?

Now, If that’s the case for you, you’re not alone.

A recent study shows that when it comes to our wellbeing, 70% of us report that we actually spend most of our time somewhere between functioning and flailing.

In other words instead of flourishing, most of us are just getting by and we’re not OK with that! We want something better for you than that.

So to increase your energy, you need to create habits that support and build it the same way that we talk about building the habits of great managers in our programs.

Flourishing needs practise and consistent effort… and the effort is worth it.

The Formula for Flourishing

We’re going to focus on a tried and tested model that builds your energy and supports wellbeing and flourishing called PERMAH.

It was originally developed by psychologist Martin Seligman, who is one of the founders of the positive psychology movement.

Positive Emotion

The six pillars (or personal habits) in the Formula for Flourishing start with Positive Emotion.

This is about being able to focus on positive emotions and develop the skills and emotional agility to move into positive emotions in a deliberate and skillful way.

Researchers suggest that the right balance of heartfelt positivity boosts our resilience, broadens our outlook, and helps build creativity and resourcefulness.


The next habit is Engagement, which is about being absorbed, interested and involved in an activity or the world itself.

The ability to do this can be greatly enhanced by developing and using your strengths at work.

So, those things that you’re good at and enjoy doing. This has been found to boost your confidence, energy and results at work.


The third habit is Relationships, which is being able to build strong connections with others.

Creating genuine connections with others at work can give you satisfaction and an energy boost.

Researchers suggest it can also lower your levels of stress, improve your concentration and help advance your career.

We are hardwired to connect with others no matter how introverted we are.


The fourth habit is Meaning which is about finding meaning in our work and lives.

Notice my emphasis on “finding”. It’s about understanding how what you do at work makes a positive difference to others.

This has been found to increase motivation, commitment and a sense of satisfaction at work.


Our next habit is Accomplishment.

This is about feeling a sense of achievement, progress or mastery.

The research is very clear that people who set goals use a growth mindset and love to develop themselves and others, experience more satisfaction and are more resilient.


Our sixth habit is Health. Research has confirmed that staying healthy by eating well, moving regularly and sleeping deeply builds a solid foundation for your general wellbeing and everything else in your life.

Let’s face it, when you feel bad physically, it affects everything.

It affects your energy levels, happiness, thoughts, behaviours, productivity, and relationships.

Health is wealth.

We cannot leave this important pillar to chance. Now, none of these pillars create flourishing on their own. They all contribute to it.

great managers masterclass

Next Steps

None of these pillars create flourishing on their own. They all contribute to it.

If you would like to learn practical steps to create these habits in your life, you can view the full-length lesson on The Formula for Flourishing in our Great Managers MasterClass. For a limited time, you can subscribe to our MasterClass for free. Click here for more info.

Starting from today, you can be significantly more effective as a manager by asking the right coaching questions to your team members.

Great Coaching is one of the best ways in which leaders can increase the capacity and capability in their team, and help individuals and organisations reach their goals. Developing manager’s coaching skills has become even more important in these fast-paced times because organisations are increasingly calling on people to deliver more with fewer resources.

In the above extract from a recent Great Managers MasterClass we look at:

  • The 3 Principles of Coaching Conversations
  • The 2 types of coaching conversations
  • How to Build your Coaching Conversations toolkit with 3 of the top Coaching Questions every manager needs to know


power up your people


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How to Become a Great Coach with 3 Clever Coaching Questions

The 3 Principles

Coaching conversations can be divided into 3 parts or principles.

The first part is a conversation for Awareness, which is about getting the clearest possible picture of the current reality.

The second part is a conversation for Choice, which is about getting the clearest possible picture of the desired future outcome

The third part is a conversation for Trust, and this is where the coachee gains greater access to both internal and external resources that help them to take action to move from their current reality to the desired future.

These principles: Awareness, Choice, and Trust, form the flow of a coaching conversation and are the same ones that provide the foundation for learning itself, as well as for focus of attention.

The 2 Types of Coaching Conversations

There are Performance Coaching Conversations and Development Coaching Conversations.

Performance Coaching is about addressing and fixing a specific problem or challenge.

It’s like putting out the fire, or building up the fire, or banking the fire. It’s everyday stuff and it’s important and necessary.

Development Coaching is about turning the focus from the issue to the person dealing with the issue, so the person who’s managing the fire.

This conversation is significantly more powerful. It can make a real impact and a real difference to someone.

The focus is on calling the person forward to learn, to improve, and to grow, rather than just on getting something sorted out.

3 Clever Coaching Questions to Become a Great Coach


I’m going to take you now through a series of different questions to build your Coaching Conversations Toolkit because it’s questions that best generate Awareness, Choice, and Trust.

It’s questions that encourage responsibility and taking action, and it would be easy if any old question would do… but it won’t.

Your questions need to be clever coaching questions that guide and encourage new thinking and new actions in your coachee.

Get ready to take some good notes as we go through this part of the MasterClass.

Think of these questions like a menu to choose from. You’re not necessarily going to be asking all of them in the one conversation.

You need to be using your judgement about which question to ask at which time, but this will really get you started in terms of building your toolkit.

Question #1 – The Kickstart Question

We’ll start with the Kickstart Question.

This is your opening question, the one that helps you get the coaching conversation started.

Now in Strategy 3 of the Great Managers Academy, you learn about the importance of using an effective opener to start a Critical Conversation on the right foot, so you want to start a coaching conversation well, too.

The Kickstart Question is an almost fail-safe way to turn a chat into a real coaching conversation.

The kickstart question is, “what’s on your mind?”

This is an open question that invites people to get to the heart of the matter and share what’s the most important to them at that moment.

You’re not telling them or guiding them. You’re raising their awareness, and you’re granting them the autonomy to make the choice for themselves, and yet this question is focused, too.

It’s not an invitation to tell you anything and everything. It’s an encouragement to go to what’s front of mind for them.questions,coach,conversations,great managers

It could be something exciting, or it could be something that’s provoking anxiety.

It’s a question that says, “Let’s talk about the thing that matter most.”

Extensions on the Kickstart Question, you might say, “What’s on your mind?”, and then you might say, “Where should we begin?”

Or to get more focused, “where’s the best place for us to begin?”, or “where’s the most useful place for us to begin?”

They’re all extensions on that, so when you start your Coaching Conversation, don’t dance around, or use small talk, or think that you have to develop an agenda for the conversation.

Just get started, skillfully.

Question #2 – The Three Ps

The next question is the Three Ps.

The Three P question is used to choose what to focus on in a coaching conversation. It’s for deciding which aspect of the challenge might be at the heart of a difficulty that the person is working through.

A challenge might typically be centred on:

  • The Project itself,
  • a Person or a People-related thing,
  • or a Pattern of behaviour.

When we talk about the Project here, the Project is the content of the situation, the stuff that’s being worked on.

It’s the easiest place to go to and the most familiar for most of us. Often you start here, and then check whether the conversation would benefit from one or both of the other Ps.

The People part is about relationships and some of the human stuff. It might be human beings bumping into other human beings, and maybe some tension or conflict between people.

The Pattern is where you’d be looking at patterns of behaviour and ways of working that you’d like to change, and this area is most likely where coaching for development conversations will emerge.

It’s not always appropriate to have a conversation with this focus, but this is where the growth can come from.

Let’s look at how you’d put these Three Ps into practise…

You’ve asked the question, “what’s on your mind?”, and they’ve answered with whatever it is that they’re working on, and you might be thinking to yourself, “hmm, that’s big. How could we chunk that down?”

You say something like this:

“There are three facets of that that we could look at: the Project side, any challenges around the actual content of the situation, or we could focus on the People side, so any issues with team members or colleagues, or we could focus on the Patterns aspect, so what could be getting in the way from your end or your style?”

Then you ask them:

“Where would you like to start?”

It doesn’t matter which one they pick. It will be a strong start to the conversation, and then once you’ve done one part of it, you might check in about the other one or two Ps before moving on, if that’s necessary.

Question #3 – The AWE question

The next question is the AWE Question, and AWE stands for:

“And What Else?”and what else,great managers,awe

That’s how you can remember that one. This question is about getting people to generate more options.

It’s particularly useful if the coachee is moving straight to the obvious or familiar solution, or when you’re not sure what’s going on, and you just need a moment or two to figure things out.

According to Michael Bungay-Stanier, this question has magical properties, and he says that with seemingly no effort, this question can create more wisdom, more insights, more self-awareness, and more possibilities out of thin air.

There are three reasons that it does that.

  1. Firstly, more options can lead to better decisions,
  2. Secondly, as the coach, you reign yourself in. It actually makes you pause a little bit, and it tames that advice monster, which is the part of you that knows the answer and is desperate to give it.
  3. Thirdly, you buy yourself, and your brain, (and their brain) a little bit of time by asking this question.

Often when we have a problem, we limit ourselves to the obvious solutions, the black and white solutions, or the known and familiar, so it might be, “should we do this or shouldn’t we?”, or “we can do this or we can do that.”

We stick to what’s familiar.

Doing this blocks creativity, and sometimes the best solutions take some prompting, so here’s how you’d use the AWE question:

You’ve asked the question, “what’s on your mind, and what aspect of that would you like to focus on?” It’s not unusual for people, once they’ve shared this information with you, to move straight to options and solutions.

When someone shares an option, you ask, “And What Else might be possible?”

You stay curious and genuine.

Remember, it’s not just about the words you use, it’s about your state as you’re doing it, so your way of being is leading.

Ask in a curious and genuine way, and try asking it one or two times.

Experiment a little bit and move on when it’s time. When the energy is going out of the conversation. Someone might say, “Nope, nothing else!”

Now you’ve got closure, and it’s time to move on.

If you would like to learn the remaining 7 Coaching Questions to become a great coach, please contact us or find out more about the Great Managers Academy here.

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Despite being not-for-profits, most charities have similar structures to businesses. That means they end up with similar cultural issues. Here’s how Great Managers helped one charity overcome its not-for-profit culture problems.

Charities all over the world do amazing work for the disadvantaged. But it’s often this work that leads to them developing cultural issues. For many, the focus isn’t on the leadership culture in a charity. It’s on the good work that they’re doing to help others.

That’s admirable, but it also leads to not-for-profit culture problems. At worst, these problems can lead to misspent money and a failure to deliver services.

That’s not acceptable for charities running on tight budgets.

Charities need people with effective leadership skills to remedy these cultural issues. And it’s those people that our client lacked when they came to Great Managers.

Improving Leadership Culture in a Charity – A Case Studycaring,baby,great managers,not-for-profit

One in every thousand Australian babies have some form of hearing impairment. All told, the country has more than 12,000 children with severe hearing impairments.

Those are the people that our client serves.

Founded in the 1970s, the charity teaches deaf children how to use a spoken language. Since its foundation, the charity’s speech therapists have helped 2,500 children and their families. Their work helps children to overcome this major obstacle so that they can reach their full potential.

Today, they work with 500 children across several states. They also maintain outreach centres in some of the states that they can’t fully service.

It’s a noble goal and the charity has access to the services of a lot of talented people. Unfortunately, it found itself dealing with some familiar not-for-profit culture problems.

The Issues

A strange combination of expertise and youth led to many of the issues that the charity experienced.

Firstly, the charity employs the services of many professional speech therapists to carry out its goals. These professionals have vast experience in their fields and have studied extensively. Many have PhDs and work in the medical field outside of the work with the charity.

Unfortunately, they often don’t have the skills needed to manage people.

Such an intense focus on their clinical skills has led to them not focusing on effective leadership skills. This is actually quite understandable. People with these skillsets often don’t work in managerial roles in their professional lives. As such, they’ve had no need to develop the leadership skills they end up needing in their work with the charity.

Their expertise almost works against them in this respect.


young talent,ambition,not-for-profit

There’s also the issue of younger key personnel that many not-for-profits have to confront. The charity attracts a lot of idealistic young staff to its ranks. This is very much encouraged. However, it also means that they often find themselves moving up the ranks quickly.

This in itself isn’t a problem. However, not-for-profit culture problems arise when people get promoted too soon. The charity was allowing people to ascend without providing them with the skills needed for their new roles.

Combined, these two contradictory issues created problems. When challenges arose in the charity, they inevitably got escalated. The speech therapists preferred to focus on their work rather than dealing with the issues. The younger managers didn’t have the experience or skills to handle them either.

That left the charity’s senior management to deal with the problems. As is always the case when this happens, this led to issues falling through the cracks. It’s almost impossible to handle the big picture while dealing with the minutiae.

The charity had tried training on a limited basis before. Unfortunately, they operate to a very tight budget. They’d yet to find a partner that focused on leadership culture in a charity. The few seminars they’d paid for didn’t work out.

It was in this condition that the charity came to Great Managers.

The Great Managers Solution

Before confronting the issue of leadership culture in a charity, we confronted the budget issue.

We created an arrangement that allowed them to take advantage of our services while sticking to their budget. Plus, we ensure our work focuses on specific challenges within the charity to get the biggest return on investment.

With the budget issue behind us, we could focus on the main not-for-profit culture problems.

Our cohorts focused on equipping the younger managers with the key skills they needed. We also helped the charity’s speech therapists recognise the importance of taking responsibility. Through these sessions, we helped the charity establish leadership at all levels.

This freed up some of the senior management’s time. That’s where the second aspect of our training came into play.

With our help, the senior management morphed from problem solvers into coaches. We equipped them with the mentorship skills needed to take active roles in staff training themselves. This allowed the charity to spend even less on training sessions. The senior team could now coach their younger managers to establish positive workplace behaviours.

The End Result

In the years since we started working with the charity, they’ve seen exceptional behavioural growth. Today, they have a team of professionals and young managers who understand and can execute the charity’s vision.

The senior leadership can now focus on further coaching, rather than just doing the work themselves.

By creating a great leadership culture in a charity, our client has also become a leading employer in Sydney.

The charity’s leader received a Manager of the Year for the not-for-profit sector. The charity was also named as the Employer of Choice for Sydney

All told, the charity now has more effective leaders and more engaged people.

Leadership Culture in a Charity – What Can You Learn?

Our client’s story is one that many not-for-profits are familiar with. A focus on service delivery often results in the de-prioritisation of leadership development.

That results in cultural issues that can derail the charity.

Here are three things you can learn from our client’s experience.

Leadership Culture in a Charity: Lesson #1 – Overcome the Inexperience Barrier

Our client has issues with inexperience at a few different levels. Its speech therapists had an intense focus on their technical skills. But they didn’t have effective leadership skills.

The younger managers who’d ascended the ranks also lacked experience. They’d gotten to their positions on merit. However, they needed some help to feel empowered in their roles.

Once our client focused on using training to overcome this inexperience, they saw marked improvements.

Many charities attract younger, ambitious people to their ranks. What these people lack in experience they often make up for in passion for the cause. This is a great motivator because it means your people get behind your mission.

But passion can only take you so far in a leadership role.

Recognise that some of the people you elevate may not have all of the skills that they need to manage people effectively. Account for that with training that helps them understand things they’d otherwise only learn through experience.

When done well, you’ll have a team of managers who combine skill with passion. That’s a desirable position for any organisation.

Leadership Culture in a Charity

Leadership Culture in a Charity: Lesson #2 – Become a Coach for Your People

The budget issue played a key role in our work with this client. They had very limited funds to dedicate to training. Most of their money went to delivering their services.

Most charities have similar setups. People want to see the money that they donate going towards the cause, rather than administration. This creates a conundrum for a charity’s senior management.

In our client’s case, they solved this issue by doing all of the work themselves. But in doing that, they weren’t helping their people to develop much-needed skills. The burden on the senior managers kept growing.

With targeted training, the charity eased this burden.

Now, its leadership has more time to coach its new managers. They can establish the vision and pass on the skills that their people need.

Remember that your people see you as a mentor, as well as a leader. They’re looking to learn from you. However, they can’t do that if you do the difficult work for them.

Use targeted training to equip them with the skills. Then, use your own experience to guide them on how to apply those skills.

You’ll minimise your leadership training spending because you’ll handle much of your coaching in-house.

Leadership Culture in a Charity

Leadership Culture in a Charity: Lesson #3 – Avoid One-Off Seminars

Sticking with the issue of budget, we come to the one-off seminars that many training providers offer.

Such seminars seem attractive initially. They promise to teach you everything that you need to know in the space of a day or two. That training comes at a heavy price. However, the skills your people develop should repay that price many times over.

Unfortunately, that rarely ends up happening.

These one-off seminars have several problems. They try to pack so much in that a lot of the information gets lost before it’s ever applied.  In fact, research proves over 90% of the information will never be utilised. They also try to cover as broad an audience as possible. That means you’re not going to get the specific information that your charity needs to confront its culture issues.

A lack of follow-up on the session is the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

It’s these seminars that our client had tried to use before working with Great Managers.

Things turned around once we partnered with them. Our cohorts focus on the specific issues that the charity faces. Plus, we’re always available to follow up on our training.

This set-up means the charity actually spends less than it did on the one-off seminars but gets much better results.

The Final Word

Budget is a key concern when it comes to leadership culture in a charity. Most don’t have the money to spend on costly one-off seminars and training sessions. Those that do invest in these solutions often find that they don’t work.

This can result in you finding yourself in a similar situation to our client’s.

Your charity needs a committed partner to help your managers develop their skills.

Is your charity working to a tight budget?

Do you have a passionate team, lacking in people management skills?

Has your not-for-profit’s culture left too much work on your shoulders?

Great Managers can help you solve these issues and many more. Register for our webinar to learn how to create an effective leadership culture in a charity.

Even the most highly-educated people can struggle to develop effective leadership skills. Learn how Great Managers helped one client better understand leadership in pharmaceuticals.

Australia’s pharmaceutical industry brings in over $20 billion per year. According to data from research firm GlobalData, it’s also set to grow until 2020.

This means there are plenty of opportunities for businesses.

But pharmaceutical businesses face plenty of challenges too. Chief among these is a lack of the people skills needed for effective management. Many pharmaceutical managers are very intelligent people. They often have PhDs and they understand the science behind their industry.

Yet they’re not equipped with the skills they need to manage people.

That’s exactly the position that one Great Managers client found itself in. This is how we helped them to understand the key aspects of leadership in pharmaceuticals.

Leadership in Pharmaceuticals – A Case Study

Based in Australia, our client has a dual focus.

They aim to foster skills development in the pharmaceutical industry. By doing so, they hope to create employment opportunities for people in the industry.

They also have a focus on research and development. The business develops products for use both at home and overseas. Today, it supplies more than 65 medicines in a range of therapeutic areas.

Our client often works with hospitals to develop new treatments. These partnerships allow it to confront the critical issues that affect Australian patients. It also offers it the opportunity to licence treatments that it sells around the world.

As you can see, the business has a lot of technical goals. Therein lies the problem. This focus on the technical side of things led to a few issues that the business needed to resolve.

The Issues

It’s fair to say that pharmaceutical companies tend to have very educated workforces. At the management level, most of our client’s people had multiple university degrees.

They knew plenty about the scientific aspects of their jobs. But this technical focus hadn’t equipped them with effective leadership skills.

This led to a strange situation. On one hand, the workforce had a lot of experience in research and the products they produce. On the other, they found themselves very inexperienced when it came to leadership.

This inexperience led to several problems. The organisation’s mid and lower-level managers suffered from a lack of confidence. They knew they had leadership weaknesses, which led to them avoiding key issues. Instead of handling problems themselves, they’d escalate them to the general manager.

A backlog of unresolved was the consequence of this.

The company culture problems that this lack of confidence created had a direct effect on the bottom line. The organisation lost some of its key people due to ineffective leadership. Talented people disengaged and ended up taking opportunities elsewhere.

That meant the business had to spend time and money on replacing lost staff. This took focus even further away from the issue of leadership in pharmaceuticals.

The business needed a change and they turned to Great Managers to find it.

Leadership in Pharmaceuticals – The Great Managers Solution

Great Managers identified the issue immediately. Management staff at all levels of the business needed the same leadership skills as the general manager. It was their lack of effective leadership skills that led to them avoiding big decisions.

The organisation needed its people to lead at every level.

We held a series of cohorts with the client. These focused on helping all levels of management develop effective leadership skills. A key focus of these cohorts was the behavioural shift that we encouraged. The managers had to understand that they needed to offer more than technical skills. Their medical knowledge wasn’t enough to help them guide their teams. They had to adjust their behaviour and acknowledge their responsibilities within the business.

We also formed a partnership with the business. Before, the general manager had sent his staff away to one-day seminars and retreats. These cost the business thousands of dollars and produced no results. With no follow-up, the staff forgot the lessons and reverted back to their old ways.

With Great Managers as a partner, the organisation’s training methods changed. We focused on developing skills that people could actually apply in their work. Our cohorts aren’t about bombarding people with information for hours at a time. They focus on how to solve specific challenges. Plus, they equip people with skills that they can put into practice.

The End Result

Today, the business’ managers have overcome the leadership weaknesses that caused these problems.

There is no longer a culture of avoidance within the organisation. Our client has seen many behavioural shifts. These are thanks to the improved confidence of its people.

Our client has empowered leadership at all levels of the business. That means that the general manager can rely on his staff to make decisions.

Our client says that our training is the best thing to ever happen to the business. It’s now equipped to scale up to 100+ employees in the future.

This partnership continues today. We’ve worked with this client for over a decade and continue to deliver amazing results.

Leadership in Pharmaceuticals Businesses – What Can You Learn

With our help, our client recognised the true meaning of leadership. It’s not about the technical skills that you bring to the table.

It’s about the way that you handle your people.

These are the three most important lessons that you can take from this story…

leadership in pharmaceuticals

Leadership in Pharmaceuticals: Lesson #1 – Management Doesn’t End at the Top

Many high-level managers struggle with the concept of delegation. This is especially true if they’ve built the business from scratch. They have a vision and they develop the mistaken belief that they’re the only person who can see it through.

This can lead to the issue that our client experienced. A lack of effective training meant that lower-level managers didn’t have the skills they needed. They lacked confidence. Thus, they escalated every little issue to the top of the organisation.

The burden proved too much for the general manager. Company culture problems developed and the organisation lost some of its best people.

While great management starts at the top, it doesn’t end there. You need leadership at all levels to run a successful organisation.

This means that you have to communicate your vision to everyone in the organisation. Set the behavioural standards that you expect. Then, emphasise the importance of these standards.

Finally, recognise where professional development opportunities exist.

Our client knew that its people had the technical skills. The development opportunities lay in people skills. The managers needed these to complement their technical knowledge.

Once they focused on those, the business overcame its culture of avoidance.

Leadership in Pharmaceuticals:  Lesson #2 – Avoid the One-Off Sessions

Our client had already had some bad experiences with leadership training. The general manager spent thousands of dollars on sending people to management seminars. They came back with tons of information. But they struggled to apply it in a practical setting.

They needed a partner to help them apply what they learned.

There are several problems with these one-off training sessions. First, trainers try to pack as much as possible into the events. They know they’ll only see you once, so they try to provide as much information as possible. This overburdens your people. You’re asking them to take in too much in one go. Knowledge will slip through the cracks or get forgotten.

There’s also a lack of follow-up. You have nobody to turn to. You can’t get clarification on the information shared during the session. The only way to ask questions after the fact is to go to another event.

That’s a costly endeavour, as our client discovered.

You need to work with an active partner. This partner must take the time to confront the specific problems your organisation has. A single training session that tries to cover everything can’t do that.

leadership in pharmaceuticals

Leadership in Pharmaceuticals:  Lesson #3 – Confront Your Culture of Avoidance

A culture of avoidance leads to many problems.

When issues arise, the people who should deal with them don’t. Instead, they keep passing them up the line until they reach someone who can do something.

That’s not management.

In our client’s case, this culture developed due to a lack of confidence among the organisation’s people. They didn’t feel equipped to make the decisions and take the actions that the business needed.

They didn’t want to end up with the blame if something went wrong.

Instead, all issues went to the general manager. This created the backlog of challenges that led to frustration within the organisation. Its most talented people left because issues weren’t getting resolved.

You need to confront this toxic culture head-on. If you don’t, it’ll spread throughout the organisation. People won’t take responsibility for key tasks. They may even become defensive to the point where they fear criticism for doing their jobs.

Education is the best way to confront this negative culture. Equip your people with the skills they need and they’ll develop confidence.

Leadership in Pharmaceuticals – The Final Word

Our client struggled with issues that are common among many pharmaceutical businesses. Working in such a technical field meant that they had well-educated people in management roles. However, these people knew more about science and medicine than they did about management.

This led to them occupying their own little comfort zones within the business. When problems arose that they couldn’t solve with their technical expertise, they avoided them. These issues all landed in the lap of the general manager. As the challenges piled up, the culture worsened and the organisation lost many talented people.

Acknowledging the existence of a culture of avoidance is the first step to overcoming it. You need to confront the confidence issues that prevent your people from leading effectively.

Your Pharmaceuticals business needs leadership at all levels. Without it, you can’t delegate effectively and the business can’t scale.

Do you have managers who avoid challenges rather than solving them?

Have you struggled to find a training partner who understands your organisation’s issues?

Do you need to learn more about leadership in pharmaceuticals businesses?

Register for our webinar today to learn how you can tackle your culture of avoidance.

No matter how well you’re doing, there’s always room for improvement. You can make a winning workplace culture, even better with a little guidance.

Not every business needs help to develop a great company culture. You may already have engaged staff and talented management.

However, there are still plenty of ways of improving on a winning workplace culture. It’s not about any overarching problems that affect the entire business.

Instead, your focus shifts to the little niggles that affect specific areas.

Great Managers can help you to build on the positive workplace behaviours that your organisation already has. In fact, we did just that for this client.

Improving a Winning Workplace Culture – A Case Study

Our client is a major construction group that focuses primarily on the retail space.

In fact, this is the first great thing about their culture. The client aims to be all things retail instead of being builders that do a little of everything.

That’s a solid vision.

Over 30 years, they’ve completed nearly 1,000 retail projects, which range in value from $100,000 up to $200 million.

They are the country’s most experienced retail builder and their culture is a reflection of that quality.

The Issues

On the face of it, the client didn’t have a lot of issues. They’d succeeded in building a positive workplace culture. Engagement is high and the business has a strong brand and vision.

But like any great business, they wanted to achieve two things – sustain and grow.

Just as an unsharpened blade dulls over time, our client’s culture may have started slipping if they lost focus now.

They came to Great Managers with a specific goal. They wanted to spread the wealth among the entire management team. From directors to supervisors, they wanted to equip their entire management with the same skillset.

This would allow for consistency at all levels of their service, thus paving the way for growth.

The Great Managers Solution

The client obviously didn’t need an entire cultural overhaul. They’d already succeeded in building a positive workplace culture.

It was improving on a winning workplace culture that had them troubled.

It was the little one-degree shifts that Great Managers introduced that made a lot of difference. We equipped the management with a new toolkit of skills that they could leverage to run the business.

Most importantly, we did it at every level. From directors to site supervisors, we worked with everyone in the business who held some type of leadership position.

We also encouraged conversations among those different leaders. On many occasions, our cohorts allowed people to get together who might otherwise not have the chance to talk. Directors can speak to site supervisors to learn about the challenges they’re facing. Mid-level management can get a better sense of where the business is going.

This enhanced communication has helped the organisation identify issues to focus on.

The End Result

Improving on a winning workplace culture was exactly what this partnership achieved.

Today, managers at every level of the organisation have the same skills. This breeds consistency throughout the business. When directors make a decision, site supervisors understand where it comes from. This makes them more able to communicate important information to their crews.

Great Managers also helped the organisation improve its culture of communication. Simply giving managers the opportunity to get together at our cohorts has led to substantial improvements.

Most importantly, we went beyond the standard training sessions that many providers offer. We’re cultural partners who have a vested interest in seeing the business improve.

But it’s the results that do the most impressive talking.

The client has enjoyed tremendous growth since they started working with Great Managers.

In 2017/18, the business enjoyed its busiest period to date. And in 2018 alone, they got 60% more work under contract than they did during the previous year.

Best of all, managers at all levels sign up well in advance to take part in future Great Managers Academy sessions.

Improving on a winning workplace culture allowed our client to achieve the growth that they were striving for.

Improving on a Winning Workplace Culture – What Can You Learn

This story shows that it’s always possible to do a little better than you’re doing right now. In fact, it’s essential to look for ways to make improvements to your business. Stagnation can lead to you falling behind. Innovation in everything from your product offering to your management structure is the way forward.

There’s plenty that you can learn from our client. Here are three lessons that are particularly valuable.

Workplace Culture

Lesson #1 – Take Time to Talk

It would be inaccurate to claim that communication was a major issue for our client. But there’s an argument to make that there was a slight disconnect between the directors and lower management.

That’s likely why our cohorts became a time for managers of all levels to talk. It was the one time where they’re all gathered in one place at the same time. Usually, the supervisors would be on a site somewhere around the country, which separated them from the Sydney in-office leadership teams.

Once they got together, all of the managers could discuss key issues. These sessions allowed for ideas to come from people with different perspectives. The way that a site supervisor saw a challenge may differ from the way the directors saw it.

Bringing all of these different ideas together helped to pave the way for solutions.

What’s crucial here is the face-to-face interactions that these sessions inspired.

You may think that sending a quick email is enough to get an idea across. However, the truth is that over 60% of emails go unopened. A great idea can easily get lost in the shuffle, especially during heavy work periods.

Getting managers of all levels together gives you the chance to get all new ideas out in the open. It allows you to expand on ideas and brainstorm far more effectively than you could through emails.

Lesson #2 – Invest in Your People

It would have been easy for our client to focus their sessions on the upper levels of management.

After all, a business’ vision starts from the top and feeds down. Some may have taken this trickle-down approach a little further. Well-trained senior managers could pass on their newly learned skills to the lower-level managers.

However, this approach comes with its problems. It’s possible that the skills will get lost as they make their way through the organisation. A miscommunication along the line could result in inconsistencies.

Our client’s idea of educating managers at all levels shows a greater willingness to invest in their people.

This is crucial for the development of a great company culture. Your employee development methods stretch beyond your in-house training. Your supervisors can benefit from the same higher level training that you provide for senior managers.

Our client saw an immediate payoff to this approach. One of their biggest problems came from mistakes made during night shifts. Crews working during the night naturally have the fatigue barrier to get through. But they’re also cut off from the majority of the business’ senior leaders.

They work during the day, which made it difficult for night-time site supervisors to get the guidance they needed.

By providing these supervisors with a higher level of training, our client invested directly into their people. The supervisors developed a greater understanding of how to carry out their front-end tasks. This meant they hold more effective briefings that result in fewer mistakes getting made.

As one of their supervisors told us: “I would never have thought of doing what I’m doing now without having done this program.”

Investing in your people reaps many benefits. You equip them with skills that can help them to do their jobs better. Plus, this better training means you have great internal candidates ready when vacancies arise.

Workplace Culture

Lesson #3 – Know What You Want to Fix

If you already have a great company culture, you’re not holding training sessions to help you build from the bottom. You already have the foundation in place. Now, you’re looking to build on it.

Our client recognises this, which is why they came to us with a list of issues before each cohort. They need more focused training on the specific issues. Basic training about culture wouldn’t cut it.

This specificity allows for the creation of tailored training sessions. Less time gets wasted on things that the client’s managers already know. Instead, they can jump straight into solving the most pressing challenges.

The simple point here is that improving on a winning workplace culture starts with knowing what you want to fix.

Spend some time looking at all aspects of the business. Figure out where the inefficiencies lie in your process. Furthermore, plan out what you want to achieve over the next few years.

From there, make your list of things that you think you need to fix.

Workplace Culture

The Final Word

It’s easy to think that you don’t need to do anything if you already have a winning workplace culture. However, workplace culture is something that constantly evolves. Your managers have to manage that evolution. If their skills stagnate, the company won’t grow.

Our client knew exactly what they wanted to achieve when they came to Great Managers. They wanted to both sustain their existing success and build on it.

Their results show just how improving their culture benefitted them.

Take a step back from your business for a moment. Figure out what’s not working as well as it could be and make a list of the issues. Zone in on the specific challenges that you want to confront.

You can also spread the wealth. Supervisors can benefit from developing their skills just as much as directors. By training managers at all levels of the organisation, you invest in your people. This raises engagement and leads to more consistency in your offering.

Are you looking to improve on a great culture?

Could your managers benefit from building on their existing toolkits?

Great Managers can help you. Register for our upcoming webinar to learn how you can build on the success you’ve already created.

Merging with another organisation means you have to develop a new culture. The more groups involved in the merger, the harder this becomes. Here are some tips to help you build a new culture after merging based on our work with one merged council.

Mergers happen often in the business world. Organisations combine forces with the aim of delivering a better service. That means they have to mesh their cultures together.

These mergers can also occur between government entities. For example, it’s not uncommon for the government to merge several councils together. This is especially the case if the merged councils previously served small areas. Bringing them together can save money.

However, building a culture after merging presents a lot of challenges. Each organisation has its own way of doing things. Each will also want to continue using its old ways. That’s often not possible. The merged organisation has new issues to tackle and its culture needs to reflect that.

Failing to merge the different types of group culture leads to problems, as one merged council discovered first hand.

Building a Culture After Merging – A Case Study

Our client didn’t even exist before 2004. However, a merger between multiple councils led to it coming into being. The council now represents a number of regions. 

The council oversees the needs of over 50,000 residents. It also operates with a great respect for the natural surroundings that make the location it oversees so desirable.

Unfortunately, the 2004 merger wasn’t the smoothest of operations. The council came to Great Managers to resolve a number of issues.

The Issues

Most mergers only involve a couple of organisations. But the creation of this council brought eight different councils together.

culture after merging,new,council,merger

That meant the new council had to reconcile eight different cultures. Clashes occur with even the simplest of mergers. With one as complex as this, it’s no surprise that organisational culture problems emerged.

The main issue was that each previous groups’ leadership was still stuck in their old ways. Nobody wanted to evolve to confront the new challenges the merged council presented. It was almost as though a group of warring tribes had to suddenly co-exist. Each felt like it had lost some of its status. None wanted to give up any ground.

This situation continued for almost a decade. The council made little progress and mistakes got made. One such mistake cost the council millions of dollars. It’s also something the council could have avoided with the right leadership structure.

Our client didn’t even have a set of values when they came to Great Managers. It was a merged council in disarray. We had the task of helping them to right the ship.

The Great Managers Solution

So many years of conflict had created an extremely negative culture at the council. It felt like each faction was at war with the rest. Despite the merger taking place in 2004, there wasn’t a sense of unity.

This was the first problem that we confronted. Through our training, the council began establishing more positive workplace behaviours.

The council also needed to establish a vision. Its people had no focus because a shared vision didn’t exist. We helped the council determine its mission and its values. We also helped its leadership discover the importance of sharing those values.

The End Result

The work that the council needs to do isn’t over yet. But with our help, its leadership started to chip away against the issues.

The council now has a set of values that it can define when asked. Furthermore, it no longer has a toxic workplace culture. The fractured groups have finally started to merge under a united vision.

For the first time in over a decade, the council has a direction. This, in turn, gives its people something to focus on. With everyone on the same page, the council can move forward.

We continue to work with this client. The old ways of doing things are now melting away. In their place is a new culture that takes every member of the council into account.

Building a Culture

Building a Culture After Merging – What You Can Learn

It’s fair to say that our client didn’t take the best approach to merging. It didn’t set any guidelines or goals for the merger. The council didn’t even have a set of values when we started working with them.

They’d struggled with building a culture after merging.

You may have recently experienced a merge or have a merger of your own planned. These tips will help you to bring together your different types of group culture to create a new whole.

How to Build a New Culture After Merging – Tip #1 – Develop Your Vision

Every organisation needs a sense of direction. Without one, your people have no purpose. They work aimlessly and butt heads constantly. This affects collaboration within the workplace and eventually leads to disengaged employees.

Your values define your vision. That’s something that our client’s leadership didn’t realise. They became so focused on their work that they forgot to establish why the work mattered in the first place. They didn’t create an ideal image of the future for their people to work towards. As a result, the council just spun its wheels and made almost no progress culturally.

Think of your vision as a jigsaw puzzle. If you don’t establish what you’re trying to achieve, it’s the same as doing the puzzle upside down. You’re just trying to slot pieces together with no sense of what your end goal is.

culture after merging,merger,council

But if you turn the puzzle pieces around, you can see the parts that make up the vision. And if you look at the box, you can see what the vision’s meant to look like.

Don’t try to put the pieces together before you know what the puzzle’s meant to look like.

How to Build a New Culture After Merging – Tip #2 – Confront Negative Influences

Confronting negative influences is one of the biggest challenges of building a culture after merging. Everyone has their own idea of how you should do things. Some of those ideas get cast to the wayside. If the reasons for this aren’t clear, resentment starts to grow. If left unchecked, this resentment leads to people reverting to their old ways. They rebel against the new establishment because they want to do things the old way.

These negative influences spread down to all levels of the organisation. In the case of merged councils, groups stop communicating and start to silo themselves away. They’re almost at war with one another, rather than united under a common vision.

You end up with a toxic culture that damages every initiative the merged council undertakes.

It’s crucial that you confront these negative influences before they affect the entire organisation.

Creating a shared vision is just the first part of this process. You also have to get the organisation’s leaders to buy into that vision. This requires open communication that allows people to express their feelings. Importantly, you have to listen to what they say. Someone who feels like they’re getting ignored will feel undervalued. This increases the chances of them spreading negativity.

Communicate your expectations clearly. Also, don’t assume that you have to throw out all of the old cultures and start fresh. You can cherry pick the best part of each previous organisation’s culture to build the merged culture.

Finally, ensure everyone has a voice. A merger is a group effort and no one person has the right answer. You have to work together to figure out what you want to achieve. This inclusiveness quashes negativity before it takes root.

Building a Culture

How to Build a New Culture After Merging – Tip #3 – Listen to Your People

Do you remember the multi-million dollar mistake we mentioned earlier?

That happened because our client didn’t listen to its people.

The council’s leadership brought in a consultant to help it overcome its problems. That consultant proposed a host of measures for the council to take.

The management got on board. However, the council’s people knew that the new measures wouldn’t work.

Unfortunately, the leaders chose to listen to a consultant who had no experience of working with governmental entities. The resulting mess cost the council millions of dollars. And they could have avoided it if they listened to their people.

Your people are one of your most valuable resources. They’re the ones who put your organisation’s processes into action. As such, they’re also the ones in the best position to recognise issues. Ignoring them can lead to the sort of mistakes that our client made. Worse yet, it causes people to disengage from the organisation.

Why should they care about their work if no-one values their opinions?

When merging multiple councils, you have to take your people’s views into account. Consult with your teams to see if your plans are actually workable. They may be able to spot issues that you didn’t consider.

Create a feedback loop that incorporates the opinions of every group. Get your people involved and don’t punish people for ideas that don’t work. You’re looking to create a collaborative culture out of several fractured groups. Missteps will happen along the way. Encourage your people to keep sharing ideas and pointing out issues.

The Final Word

Our client still has a lot of work to do. The internal warring that took place for so many years created a host of organisational culture problems. They can’t solve those problems overnight.

However, they’ve taken some crucial steps towards building a great organisational culture. The council now has a vision based on a set of values. That means its people have a direction to follow.

They’ve also created a more open culture. The leadership now confronts problems head on instead of letting negativity take hold.

Finally, its people now feel like they’re part of the decision-making process. Their opinions influence the course that the council takes. As a result, they more engaged and the council’s leaders have more information.

Have you undertaken a merger that’s led to organisational culture problems?

Are your people struggling to cooperate because they have different values?

Do you want to know the secrets of building a culture after merging?

Great Managers can help you. Register for our webinar today to learn how to bring warring groups together under a shared vision.

A local council had an issue with employee engagement. A lack of teamwork among its directorates lay at the heart of the issue. Here’s what they did to solve the culture problem and what you can learn.

As an organisation grows, it usually creates several directorates. Each of these directorates has its own goals. In an ideal world, these goals mesh with the organisation’s vision. But when they don’t, culture problems arise.

The same goes for local councils. They’re structured much like businesses. Each council has several directorates, each of which oversees a different issue. But each of these directorates must also work towards the council’s mission and vision.

Unfortunately, some councils struggle with bringing independent directorates together. This leads to a range of cultural issues that affect the council’s results.

culture problems,council cultureOne local council recognised they had issues. An employee engagement survey showed their true extent.

Bringing Independent Directorates Together – A Culture Problems Case Study

Our client oversees the needs of a population of over 30,000 people. Located on NSW’s north coast, the council’s located in a beautiful coastal town.

In fact, the region attracts over 1 million tourists every year. This is the main driver of its economy, which makes tourism a key focus for the council. The town also has a thriving agricultural industry.

The council aims to provide the best possible services to both residents and tourists. It does this via a structure that contains several directorates. It’s essential that these directorates work together. If they don’t, the council can’t achieve its goals. Plus, the directorates could start working against one another. This creates culture problems that lead to a lack of employee engagement.

That’s exactly what happened to the council in 2014.

The Issues

Our client conducted an employee survey in 2014. They found that many of their employees no longer felt engaged with the council’s work. Employees pointed to leadership issues as the chief cause.

These leadership issues stemmed from two problems. First, each directorate had separated itself from the others in the council. Each worked on its own little problems without communicating with the others.

This led to a lack of collaboration among the directorates. It also created an “us vs. them” culture. Each directorate became so focused on its work that it couldn’t see where it slotted into the big picture.

The council became fractured. Employees no longer had a clear overarching vision to follow. As a result, many disengaged from their work.

Furthermore, the council took a very ad-hoc approach to its training. The occasional seminar or training session got organised. But there wasn’t any structure to this training. Plus, many within the council had an aversion to attending the sessions in the first place. They felt that they didn’t provide any workable solutions. In most cases, the councils’ leaders went right back to their old ways. The training had no impact on their behaviour.

The council needed long-term solutions to these culture problems. They turned to Great Managers to provide them.

Culture Problems

The Great Managers Solution

Great Managers had to overcome the council’s aversion to training. We couldn’t look at any other issues before doing that.

This involved proving that our work isn’t some short-term fix. We partner with our clients and become a crucial part of their culture. We identify culture problems and propose solutions. Plus, we don’t do training in the same way as typical leadership consultants.

We use the 70:20:10 technique. That means that only 10% of training time gets spent in the classroom. The rest focuses on hands-on application of the techniques.

This solution appealed to the council. It would allow them to improve their leadership skills. Plus, they wouldn’t lose too much time to training sessions.

With that barrier overcome, we moved forward. We started training the council in bringing independent directorates together.

To do that, we helped the council in its use of 360-degree feedback. This allowed each directorate to express its opinions. Plus, it reinforced the council’s main vision and mission.

We helped the council use 360-degree feedback at every level. This meant that managers and their people all received constructive feedback.

Feedback is a crucial part of building employee engagement. This feedback system confronted two problems within the council.

First, it dealt with the issue of bringing independent directorates together. 360 feedback allows for the sharing of information, which creates better results.

Second, it ensured that the council’s people received regular feedback. This demonstrated the council’s commitment to helping its people improve. As a result, engagement levels improved.

The End Result

This council’s partnership with Great Managers produced some stellar results.

The council’s managers stopped viewing their training as a chore. In fact, the council’s leadership now seek out further training.

Great Managers also helped the council build a great culture. The results of a second survey, conducted in 2016, demonstrate this. The council saw the following improvements:

  • 20.8% more people said that the council was a good place to work.
  • 25.1% more people said they felt satisfied in the workplace.
  • 28.4% more people expressed confidence in the work that their managers do.

That paints a picture of a more united council. Each of its directorates now works together to achieve the council’s mission.

Bringing Independent Directorates Together – What You Can Learn

This culture problems case study offers an excellent example of what happens when directorates don’t work together. Engagement declines as the council doesn’t have a clear vision in place. This lack of engagement affects results. Plus, it increases the risk that the council may lose its best people.

This council’s situation can teach you a lot about bringing independent directorates together. In doing so, you can build a great culture. Here are three tips to help you along.

Tip #1 – Implement 360-Degree Feedback

We’ve already covered what 360-degree feedback can help you to achieve. Let’s now look at the nuts and bolts of the methodology.

360-degree feedback tools allow employees to receive anonymous feedback. Importantly, this feedback comes from several sources. These include managers, peers, and even clients or vendors.

This feedback takes the form of actionable reports. The recipient can then use the information in these reports to progress professionally. The report may highlight issues and point out positive aspects of the employee’s work.

Most importantly, 360-degree feedback offers an accurate assessment of how someone’s doing.

There are several steps to follow to ensure you implement the method well. These include the following:

  • Get the entire leadership team on board. A great culture starts from the top. If the leadership team doesn’t engage with the method, you can’t expect your people to.
  • Ensure that the feedback surveys measure the core competencies that your council needs.
  • Don’t focus on performance management. 360-degree feedback must focus on development.
  • Train your staff so that they understand what the system is and how it works.

Finally, it’s important that you and your people take action. The reports you receive offer some guidance. However, that means little if you don’t follow through.

Tip #2 – Find a Cultural Partner

Our client’s aversion to training came because they weren’t working with a partner. They just paid for the occasional seminar or workshop. Once that ended, the council didn’t work with the trainer again. That meant the lessons got lost and no long-term change occurred.  Their culture problems persisted.

That changed when they started working with Great Managers. For the first time, they had a training partner. We didn’t just want to show them how to build a great culture.

We wanted to become a part of their culture.

We’ve worked with the council since 2014 and we’re still partners today.

That may be something your own organisation needs to do. Most training providers just offer their service before driving off into the sunset. There’s no accountability and no focus on creating a return on your investment.

When you partner with a good provider, you work with a group that’s as invested in your success as you are.

Culture Problems

Tip #3 – Practice Forgiveness

Practising forgiveness is one of the key tips for cross-directorate collaboration.

It’s easy for a blame culture to develop if there’s a lack of teamwork in your organisation. That’s what started to happen at this council. A friction developed between the different directorates. Conflict became common as each directorate focused on its own objectives.

Mistakes became points of contention.

You have to recognise that mistakes happen, regardless of the organisation. It’s how you respond to these mistakes that effects your council’s culture.

Immediately pointing the finger just fosters distrust. That leads to employee disengagement, as in our client’s case. You people can see that the different directorates aren’t working towards the same vision. If their management clashes with another directorate’s management, toxic behaviours emerge.

Your people take their cues from you. If you’re unforgiving of others’ mistakes, they’ll follow your lead. Eventually, resentment builds throughout the organisation.

Counter this by introducing a culture of forgiveness. Recognise that mistakes happen. Instead of creating friction, figure out how you can work together to solve the issue.

A forgiving culture emphasises empathy and understanding. This, in turn, encourages more positive workplace behaviours. This positivity spreads to all corners of the organisation, which improves employee engagement.

The Final Word

Our client’s survey results revealed a symptom of a greater problem. Their employees no longer felt engaged with their work. The constant conflict between different directorates lay at the heart of that disengagement.

Things changed once the council started working with Great Managers. Suddenly, they had a long-term cultural partner. This ensured the council’s people felt invested in their training.

Implementing a new feedback structure also helped with their culture problems. It encouraged communication between the directorates and their people. This fostered a greater understanding of the challenges each directorate faced.

Finally, the council moved away from the conflict-based culture it found itself with. Directorates started focusing on finding solutions rather than assigning blame. This fostered a positive workplace culture that the council’s people want to be a part of.

Does your organisation have multiple directorates that can’t work together?

Do constant conflicts disrupt your workflow and affect results?

Do you need help with bringing independent directorates together?

Great Managers wants to partner with you to help you improve your culture. Please register for our upcoming webinar to learn more about how we can help.

Those in the manufacturing sector have a lot of practical tasks to deal with. What you may not realise is that leadership weaknesses can cause problems with these practical tasks. That’s what one manufacturing business discovered after working with Great Managers.

Manufacturers play a vital role in keeping a huge number of industries running. Without good manufacturers, every product-based industry suffers.  That’s why effective leadership in manufacturing is so important.

You need to create a smooth operation to ensure your manufacturing business keeps pace with intense demand.

Leadership weaknesses can lead to problems developing. What you may not realise is that these issues extend beyond your wider organisational culture. They can also affect the practicalities of what you do.

One client learned this themselves after working with Great Managers

A Leadership in Manufacturing Case Study

Our client is a manufacturer of both cable ducting and pit system products. Their products get used in the creation of networks underground.

The organisation has always prided itself on the quality of its products. However, it’s also quick to point towards its focus on innovation. They aim to improve the traditional construction materials of bricks and plastics. They do this through the use of lightweight plastics and their own smart design features.

This allows them to provide durable products that allow for faster installation. Naturally, this saves their clients both money and time.

Their primary customers work in the following fields:leadership in manufacturing

  • Railway and motorway construction
  • Telecommunications
  • Water treatment
  • Power

This means they have to supply a large demand. The organisation must keep track of its stock to ensure accuracy at all times.

And therein lay the issue. Our client had a stock accuracy problem and they came to Great Managers to solve it.

The Issues

For over four years, our client struggled with stock accuracy problems. They achieved consistently high error rates. This could lead to them running out of stock, which had an effect on their relationships with clients. Or, it could lead to them wasting money due to manufacturing too much stock.

The organisation’s leadership team found themselves under a lot of pressure. Their board wanted to get to the bottom of the problem. However, four years of effort hadn’t produced any results.

This caused problems within the leadership team, as well as company culture problems. The business developed a culture of blame. Each leadership team pointed the finger at the others for not finding a solution to the stocking problem. This created a fractured organisation that couldn’t focus on the core problem.

That’s the main issue that Great Managers confronted.

The Great Managers Solution

To help our client overcome its stock accuracy issues, we had to change the leadership’s mindset.

For years, the organisation’s leaders pointed to their systems as the source of the problem. They assumed there must be a problem with the systems they had in place. Yet four years of searching brought them no closer to the solution.

We showed them that it was not a systems problem. Instead, it was a lack of effective leadership skills that held the company back. The stock accuracy issue was just a symptom of a larger cultural issue. Moreover, it had led to the creation of a fractured leadership structure. Nobody trusted anyone else and everyone was quick to point the finger of blame.

We showed the organisation that they needed to overcome these leadership weaknesses to get to the root of the problem.

With Great Managers, the organisation’s managers learned about the value of good communication. For the first time in four years, they stopped arguing among themselves. Instead, they united with a shared vision of overcoming the problem.

We also encouraged them to communicate more with their people. After all, the people on the ground can often provide further insight. Our client held a number of focus groups that allowed them to gather opinions from their people. The outcomes from these groups provided the leadership with more avenues to explore.

The End Result

Our client finally recognised the importance of effective leadership in manufacturing. The group’s management stopped looking for something to blame and instead started focusing on the problem.

The business adjusted its approach. They stopped looking at the stock accuracy problem as a systems issue. Instead, they looked at it as a leadership issue.

Within six months of changing their approach, our client started to make headway. The stock accuracy error rate fell by almost 20%. That was the first positive movement they’d experienced in four years.

Great Managers has held several cohorts with this client since helping them to reach this revelation. Today, we’re helping them to overcome the management issues that operating multiple sites presents. Plus, we continue to demonstrate effective leadership skills that they can apply to the organisation’s issues.

Leadership in Manufacturing – What You Can Learn

You may relate to our client’s stock accuracy issues. You may have even found your own organisation slipping into a similar blame culture.

Thankfully, this story can teach you a lot about effective leadership in manufacturing. Here are three tips to take away from this case study.


Tip #1 – Confront Your Blame Culture

Assigning blame is far easier than trying to solve a problem.

That’s the reason why blame cultures arise in the first place. In an effort to protect ourselves, we assign blame to other people. When this occurs on a wide scale, you create a toxic culture in the workplace. Managers become so concerned with protecting their own hides that they stop working together to solve problems. Instead, they develop a “me vs. them” outlook.

Different departments start clashing, which only makes the problem worse. In our client’s case, this blame culture prevented them from finding a solution to their problem for four years.

There are several signs that a blame culture has penetrated your organisation. These include the following:

  • There’s no accountability built into your teams.
  • People don’t own up to their mistakes.
  • Your people aren’t committed to achieving high standards.
  • Office gossip has become an issue.

This problem starts from the top of the organisation. Managers start pointing the finger at one another. If your people see that, they’ll emulate you. If something goes wrong, they won’t own up to the mistakes.

They’ll blame other people or the system.

You need to confront your blame culture, which means confronting your leadership weaknesses.

There are several ways to do this:

  • Assign trackable metrics to every project. Build accountability into your systems.
  • Look out for gossip and rumours. Confront the problem when it arises and reaffirm the project’s accountability structure.
  • Take responsibility for your own mistakes. Hold yourself to a high standard and your people will follow.
  • Be more self-aware about your skills and weaknesses. Nobody’s perfect. The true meaning of leadership comes from understanding where you can improve. Only then can you set an example for others.

Tip #2 – Unite to Solve Problems

At Great Managers, we often talk about the importance of having a shared vision.

Usually, this applies to your organisation’s wider goals and mission. However, it also applies to the business problems that you encounter on a daily basis.

Our client’s stock accuracy issue was one such problem. Their overall vision is to provide high quality and innovative products. Solving the stock problem was a smaller goal, but it still affects how they’d achieve their vision. After all, they couldn’t provide a quality service if they couldn’t keep track of their stock.

That means they needed to make solving the stock problem one of their missions.

For years, the organisation’s leadership failed to unite under this vision. They came under pressure from the board and immediately started pointing fingers.

They’d defined their problem. However, they weren’t collaborating to find a solution.

Once our client saw the stock accuracy problem as a leadership issue, things started to change. The focus of the managers’ communications altered. They started talking about how to solve the problem rather than trying to pass the buck.

It’s no surprise that they achieved such impressive results once they established a shared vision.


Tip #3 – Involve Your People

As a manager, it’s your job to look at the big picture.

But leadership in manufacturing requires much more than that. There are all sorts of processes that keep your business running. However, you’re often not the person who’s working within those processes.

You just see the end results.

Your people are one of your greatest resources when it comes to identifying issues. If you’re not communicating with them, you may struggle to find a solution.

Again, you can look to our client’s example to see this. Part of their solution was to create focus groups that involved their people. This allowed them to discover process issues that the leadership had overlooked.

These focus groups also served a secondary purpose. They showed the organisation’s people that the management valued their input. This one action also shows that their opinions matter.

This raised engagement within the organisation. Our client created a more open dialogue between its management and its people. In doing so, it ensured its people felt more valued within the organisation.

That leads to better results before you even start to work on the process issues that you identify.

The Final Word

Leadership in manufacturing involves much more than creating systems and assigning tasks. You have to create a collaborative culture, especially when operating over multiple sites.

For a long time, our client did not have this culture. Instead, its management focused on assigning blame. That meant that they couldn’t take steps towards solving their stock issues.

Once they identified and confronted their blame culture, things started to change. The team united under a shared vision of solving the stock problem. This unity allowed them to identify issues that previously went unnoticed.

The organisation also started to involve its people in the problem-solving process. This achieved two outcomes. It helped the management to identify issues on the ground that they didn’t know about. Plus, it ensured the organisation’s people felt valued.

Our client identified leadership weaknesses as their core problem. This allowed them to make progress with their stock issue.

Has your organisation developed a blame culture that’s stopping you from getting results?

Do mistakes keep getting made and you have no idea why?

Do you need help confronting the leadership issues within your manufacturing organisation?

Great Managers can help you like we helped this client. We encourage you to register for our upcoming webinar to find out how to confront the leadership issues in your business.

A local council came to Great Managers with an employee engagement issue. Here’s how we helped them develop effective leadership skills.

Organisations with high employee engagement outperform those with low engagement by over 200%.  Despite this, many organisations don’t place enough focus on engagement. This is particularly a problem in local councils. Leadership in local councils tends to focus on achieving fast results. This can lead to a lack of focus on the wellbeing of the council’s people.Leadership in Local Councils

This leads to a decrease in engagement. Ironically, this then goes on to have a negative effect on results

Great Managers have worked with one such local council for many years.  In 2015, the Council came to us with a major engagement problem. This is how we helped them.

A Leadership in Local Councils Case Study

Our client is a council that serves a population of 41,000. Their aim is to encourage the development of a strong economy. Retail, tourism, and agriculture all play a role in this developing economy.

The council works with the local community to create a progressive way of life. Its services focus on offering an outstanding lifestyle, both for residents and visitors.

Furthermore, the council operates in one of Australia’s fastest growing regions. Because of this, the local council faces more challenges now than ever before.

This may have factored into the council’s decision to come to Great Managers. But there was another issue that caused them to want to improve their strategic leadership style.

The Issues

In 2015 our client realised they had an organisational culture problem. They received disappointing results from an employee survey.

This survey focused on the issue of employee engagement. Several councils in New South Wales took part.

Our client discovered that they had low levels of employee engagement. In fact, they achieved the fourth-lowest rank of all of the councils that took part. Survey participants cited leadership weaknesses and a poor workplace culture as key issues.

The council recognised that they needed to improve to get better results. However, they also needed a solid return on investment. Plus the solution needed to provide minimal downtime.

Great Managers offered that solution.

Leadership in Local Councils – The Great Managers Solution

Leadership in Local CouncilsGreat Managers started by identifying some of the council’s key leadership issues.

We helped them to see that they’d allowed the development of a “them vs. us” mentality. The council had several silos, none of which worked in tandem with one another. There wasn’t a shared vision for everybody to get behind.

We also recognised a lack of self-awareness within the management team. Understanding yourself is one of the keys to developing a strategic leadership style. Yet many within council leadership didn’t see how their actions affected engagement.

We identified another key issue from the survey results. Respondents tended to repeat the same phrase:

“We don’t feel valued at work.”

That’s the most damaging problem when a council experiences engagement issues. An employee who doesn’t feel valued will also not have the motivation needed to give their all for the job.

Our training focused on helping the council’s managers develop effective leadership skills. We also showed them how to apply these skills to ensure their people felt valued at work.

Furthermore, we offered a flexible training program that kept downtime to a minimum. Our use of the 70:20:10 approach also helped the council’s leaders develop. It focused on tangible skills that they could apply.

The End Result

Another survey took place two years after the one that sparked the council into action.

That survey revealed a remarkable turnaround. The council achieved the third-highest rank of all those surveyed. The council’s leadership scores have also increased during this time. The same goes for its safety scores.

Siloing is no longer an issue. Plus, the council’s people are far less likely to complain among themselves about issues. Instead, they work together with management to solve the issues.

The council also came away with a greater understanding of the importance of employee engagement.

Leadership in local councils requires more than a focus on results. You need to keep your people happy to ensure they remain productive.

Our client achieved remarkable cultural change because of their focus on engagement.

Leadership in Local Councils – What Can You Learn?

A lack of employee engagement doesn’t only lead to demotivated people. It also means you’re likely to lose your most talented people. In fact, 73% of disengaged employees are searching for new roles.

This loss of talent can have a devastating effect on a local council. The council already operates to a tight budget. Losing valuable people at the wrong times could lead to project delays. This takes money out of the public purse.

What can you learn about leadership in local councils from this case study?

Here are three leadership tips that will help you to confront the issue.

Tip #1 – Break Down Silos

Silos are the barriers that prevent the sharing of information and talent within an organisation.

Councils tend to have several departments, each working on different objectives. Failure to inspire a shared vision within those departments leads to problems. It creates the “them vs. us” mentality that our client struggled with. Instead of working together, each department focuses on its own goals. They may even see other departments as a hindrance.

The process of breaking silos starts from the top of the organisation. Councils have to set a clear direction that all departments have to follow.

Each department will have its own goals within that direction. But you also need to emphasise the fact that these goals serve a larger vision.

The key is that you have a unique vision that you can share with your people. It’s got to be a tangible vision that your people can see and understand.

Your leadership also has to believe in the vision. They have to communicate it with pride and enthusiasm. This inspires the same feelings in their people.

When done well, your vision flows from the top of the organisation and into every department. Department managers must share the vision to ensure it becomes a part of every person’s thinking.

Once your council has a shared vision, it can overcome the silo issue. This leads to higher levels of engagement.

Employee Engagement

Tip #2 – Use the 70:20:10 Method in Training

The leadership in local councils face a lot of challenges when it comes to developing new skills. They’re often time-poor people. They can’t dedicate weeks of their time to attending seminars and training sessions.

They need a way to learn while minimising their downtime.

Great Managers employs the 70:20:10 approach to training.

This model is the result of over three decades of research into leadership training. It works on the basis that 70% of your learning occurs as a result of on-the-job experience. 20% comes from your interactions with others. The final 10% comes from coursework and training.

The model encourages efficient training. The recipient then applies this training in their everyday work. It focuses on the importance of hands-on experience. Plus, it encourages the application of the knowledge learned in training seminars.

This is important as the majority of leadership training providers focus heavily on coursework and seminars. Managers get overwhelmed with a firehose of information and less than 10% of it is retained. They end up unable to apply what they’ve learned in a practical setting.

The 70:20:10 approach flips that script. It allows for shorter training sessions that focus on key information. Then, it emphasises the application of that information via action learning. It also encourages continual learning from how you interact with others.

It’s the ideal model for local councils. It allows for minimal downtime and better application of learned leadership skills.


Leadership in Local Councils

Tip #3 – Reward Good Employee Behaviours

Our client had a serious problem with employees who felt undervalued.

This is a cultural issue. It often stems from a lack of rewards or appreciation for positive employee behaviours. Managers often underestimate the importance of these behaviours. They believe they’re just par for the course.

In some cases, managers tell employees to do one thing while they do another. This creates a disconnect that fosters disengagement.

Improving in this area helps you to engage employees, which ultimately leads to stronger results.

Develop a rewards system that focuses on the feedback that you provide to your people. Great Managers offer feedback at least once per week. Focus these feedback instances on the positives over the correctives. Try to achieve a ratio of three parts positive feedback to every part of corrective feedback.  Note, this is NOT to be mistaken with the “feedback-sandwich” approach which is now widely known to have the opposite effect on the receiver of the feedback.

Good feedback ensures your people feel appreciated. It shows that you’re paying attention to what they do and want to help them improve. This makes it one of the most effective leadership skills that you can learn.

Finally, any incentive systems that you put in place have to reflect on the vision that you’ve shared. For example, you can’t only offer individual rewards if you tell your people that you value teamwork.

Ask yourself if your reward systems actually encourage the culture that you want to create. If they don’t, you’ll end up with disengaged employees.

The Final Word

Effective leadership in local councils revolves around keeping your people engaged.

Disengaged people leads to poor quality work. Your departments may silo off, which means information doesn’t get shared readily. You create a “them vs. us” mentality among your departments, which leads to more problems.

Creating an inspiring vision that you share from the top down goes a long way to solving this problem. So does implementing a training system that meets the unique demands that local councils face.

Finally, always consider the value of rewarding good employee behaviours. Regular feedback and positive reinforcement ensure your people feel appreciated. You also need a rewards structure that meshes with your vision.

Have you struggled to find a training methodology that minimises downtime?

Are you struggling to solve the problems that disengagement causes in your organisation?

Are you part of the management team at a struggling local council?

Great Managers can help you to engage your people and double your capacity.

Register for our upcoming webinar to learn how you can keep your people engaged.

A Great Managers Springboard Surprise Graduation Presentation

It’s not every day a participant in a training program delivers a poem at their graduation…

Well last month, that happened for us at the graduation day for the NSW Department of Education’s Great Managers Springboard group.

It was time for the group of around 40 team leaders & managers to get into their cohorts and discuss their key learnings from 6 months in the Great Managers Springboard program.

Each cohort presented back to the larger group and WOW!

We were expecting short speeches, we got a video presentation and we heard a poem from Cohort#6, written by Kaylene Ainsworth.

I was so proud, I had to share!

The Great Managers Springboard Program

Leadership skills are NOT just Senior Management’s responsibility.great managers springboard,academy,springboard,training,team,supervisor,leader,emerging,aspiring


They also help your Supervisors, Team Leaders & aspiring leaders to manage themselves effectively, deal with a broad range of people and get better results.

Great Managers Springboard has been specifically designed to provide the Personal & Team Leadership skills that will enable them to become proactive contributors to making your organisation a great place to work!

Get in touch today if your organisation could benefit from this kind of transformational leadership program.


great managers springboard program,great managers springboard,academy,springboard,training,team,supervisor,leader,emerging,aspiring,graduatesPoem Transcription

Cohort 6 was the place to be
We set our goals and learnt the Mantra’s 3
Which are succinct and strong and help the program gel
Its all about results, value your energy and do the front end well.

It started with Self Awareness at the core
Understanding our types and styles and so much more
If we can stay calm under pressure, manage our emotions and thoughts
We can become resilient and resourceful leaders from nought

The second core element is management of Self
Gives us tools like S+T=R, SCARF and mindfulness on the shelf
With these skills in hand, it makes it easier to do
Setting expectations, critical conversations and feedback too.

Critical Conversations may be ugly yet required
The power of listening, effective questioning and building rapport are skills to be admired
Planning is essential from opener to end
And if you are in doubt then BEAF is your friend.

Setting clear expectations so everyone knows their role
What is expected of them and their contribution overall
Followed closely by feedback delivered with purpose and sincerity
Will give your people impetus and clarity

Coming together regularly gave us insight
That things in our teams may not be quite right
Gave us the opportunity to share, listen and groan
And now that we have each other – we will never walk alone!

But it doesn’t end here with the skills that we know
We will keep using them and our confidence will grow
Our teams will bond, be productive and merry
So thank you Joe Knagge, Elana and Kerry

Presented by Kaylene Ainsworth & the participants of Cohort 6 (Department of Education ITD)
We delivered Springboard to the Department of Education in partnership with IPAA (NSW Division)

The events industry presents some interesting culture obstacles. Such an intense focus on the technical aspects leads to some areas getting neglected. Here’s what you can learn from an organisation that overcame those problems.

There are some unique challenges to confront when culture building in an events company.

You’re working in an extremely technical industry. Clients require you to work quickly and overcome lots of challenges. It’s essential to the event running well.

The problem is that many fail to look at the culture behind their service. They rely on their technical wizardry to keep the business running. But this leads to the development of culture problems that can have devastating long-term impacts.

This is especially the case for small businesses. They’re often so focused on delivering their service that building a culture is a secondary concern.

Such was the case with one of our clients.

Culture Building in an Events company Case Studyculture,build,workplace culture,events company

Our client is a full-service event management business that offers a wide array of services. In addition to event design and operation, they help clients with the technical aspects of their events. The business also offers audio-visual equipment hire. Plus, they help clients develop engaging content for their events.

It’s also a small, family-run business. They’ve built themselves from the ground up and now operate teams in three cities across Australia.

The organisation prides itself on its technical abilities. They’re able to deliver amazing events for their clients.

However, this technical focus led to them neglecting the cultural aspect of their business. This led to the development of a toxic culture in the workplace.

The business came to Great Managers to learn how to overcome their company culture problems.

The Issues

Our client came to us with many of the signs of a dysfunctional company. In particular, they’d allowed their staff to start dictating how the business operated.

This is a common problem in the events industry. Technical expertise can lead to some of your people thinking that they’re indispensable. After all, where are you going to find someone else with their skillsets?

This can lead to a certain level of arrogance developing. Your people start acting how they feel like acting. This can lead to the development of destructive behaviours that don’t reflect well on your brand.

Our client had experienced this problem first-hand. They had one particularly destructive employee who felt like he didn’t need to operate by any guidelines they created. The leadership allowed him to get away with his behaviour because they needed him. However, they soon realised that this created a toxic culture in the workplace.

If one person can act poorly, what’s to stop everyone else from emulating them?

The organisation’s general manager struggled to communicate effectively with this person. That’s also understandable in the events industry. Most who ascend to leadership positions do so off the back of their technical expertise. That means they understand the job but haven’t developed the skills needed to manage others.

This can lead to an organisation relying on its technical expertise to make up for its company culture problems.

That’s what our client found themselves doing and they recognised it was time for a change. They knew that culture building in an events company means looking beyond the technical.

The Great Managers Solution

We identified that a lack of structure and effective communication had led to our client’s problems.

They did not have clear values for their people. That’s what led to some of their people trying to dictate how they worked and represented the brand.

We helped them to establish these values. However, we also worked with them on communication.

The organisation’s leadership knew it needed to have some tough conversations. In particular, they needed to talk to the previously mentioned person about his behaviour.

It’s a conversation that the organisation’s leadership had put off for a number of months. They were worried about the potential effects that the confrontation could have on their business.

Great Managers introduced them to a conversational model that would help them. Using this model, they could discuss their people’s performance while minimising conflict.

The End Result

Our client finally moved away from the mindset that technical skills can make up for a destructive culture.

Its leadership set clear values for its staff. This ensured that the organisation’s people no longer controlled its culture.

Plus, we equipped them with the skills needed to handle the tough conversations. The organisation’s general manager put these new skills to good use then confronting the toxic employee.

After two conversations, the employee apologised for his behaviour.  And not only that, thanked his General Manager for being straight with him. Best of all, they’ve changed his behaviour to fit with the organisation’s values.

Culture Building in an Events company – What You Can Learn

This story is one that’s typical of many organisations in the events sector. It’s particularly relatable for small businesses that have experienced growth in recent years.

Here’s what you can learn about culture building in the events industry from our client’s story.

Company culture

Secret #1 – Technical Expertise Isn’t Enough

As mentioned, many events organisations believe their technical expertise makes them indispensable. How people see their brand comes second to the service that they can deliver.

Of course, it’s important that you maintain high standards in your service. But you also have to think about how you present yourself to your clients.

In our client’s case, they had some toxic influences that manifested whenever they worked. These are things that a lot of clients take notice of. Toxicity is one of the signs of a dysfunctional company. If it’s allowed to continue, clients may pick up on the sign and decide to work with someone else.

Your organisation’s technical expertise isn’t enough to make up for the damage that company culture problems do to your brand.

This mindset also extends to your people. As was the case with our client, you may have very talented people who think they’re indispensable. They may think their behaviour doesn’t matter as long as they do the job.

That’s a problem for your organisation. Even if your clients don’t see that behaviour, it still affects your organisation. Your people may see that you’re not doing anything about the toxic influence. This can lead to resentment building up. At worse, you may find your people start to emulate the toxic influence.

Remember that you’re operating a business that has a brand. Put standards in place and make sure your people know that their technical skills aren’t enough. They also have to meet your expectations of them in terms of their behaviour.

Secret #2 – Don’t Let Your People Control Your Culture

This is a problem that often arises when you have technical people in leadership roles.

You may understand the work that your people do better than the work that you need to do. However, you’re a manager now, which means you have to provide guidance and set standards.

Our client’s management struggled to do this. They allowed their people to dictate the company culture for them. That’s what led to the rise of a toxic culture in the workplace. Their people wanted to focus solely on the technical aspects of their work rather than how they represented the brand.

That meant they took control of the organisation’s culture from the owners.

The organisation’s people disengaged from its core values. They delivered the service without caring about the effects that their behaviours had on the brand.

Your people can play a role in helping you to define your organisational culture. But they’re not the ones leading the business. They need you to help them understand your core values and vision for the organisation.

Your training plays a huge role in establishing your culture. Make your people aware of what you expect from them (and why) from the beginning.

Company culture

Secret #3 – Have the Difficult Conversations

The difficult conversations aren’t something that many in the events sector have experience with. As was the case with our client, event sector managers often try to ignore the problem and hope that it goes away.

As you can see from this case study, that leads to company culture problems.

Developing the courage to have the difficult conversations is a key aspect of culture building in the events industry.

But it’s not enough to just know that you need to have the conversations. You also need a framework to help you to manage the conversation so you achieve the best outcome.

Great Managers has a six-step model that helps you to have these key conversations:

Step 1 – Explain the Situation

Establish the reasons behind the conversation in a way that engages the other person. Then, talk about the facts of the situation. Be concise and explain the gap between your expectations and what’s happening.

Step 2 – Listen to Understand

Invite discussion after explaining the situation. The key here is that you listen intently so you understand the other person’s viewpoint. Paraphrase back and reflect the person’s emotions. Ask open questions and clarify the points that you discuss.

Step 3 – Explore Your Options

This is where you start to develop a solution to the problem. Use plural nouns and open questions to encourage the sharing of ideas. Use phrases like “what suggestions do you have” or “what ideas do you have”.

Don’t say “what’s your suggestion.” This limits the conversation.

Plural nouns show that you’re open to suggestion and want to work through the problem together. Discuss each idea and start moving towards the next step.

Step 4 – Move Towards a Solution

This is where you narrow the ideas shared down into a workable solution.

The key here is that you don’t ask lots of “why” questions. Those come off as confrontational and slow your progress.

Instead, use a lot of questions that start with “what” and “how”. For example, “how do you think we can implement this idea?”

Get a sense of what you can realistically accomplish going forward. But it’s important that you’re taking ownership of the solution. You’re using these questions to work towards the outcome that you want while taking the other person’s ideas into account.

Step 5 – Find Agreement

As you narrow the shared ideas down, you come closer to finding agreement.

Be specific here. Offer a clear explanation of your expectations going forward. Discuss what needs to get done, who needs to do it, and when.

You may have to repeat this step a couple of times before you agree on the next steps. Conclude with a restatement of your commitments to your employee and what you expect from them.

Step 6 – Express Confidence

End the conversation with an expression of your confidence that you’ll be able to overcome the issues discussed.

The key here is that you’re sincere in wanting to move forward.

Following these steps allows you to have an inclusive conversation that confronts the issues. This increases the likelihood of a desirable outcome.

The Final Word

Culture building in the events industry isn’t a simple task. It requires a mindset shift. You have to move away from the technical aspects and start thinking about employee behaviours.

Our client achieved amazing results when they did this. They eliminated the toxic influences that led to company culture problems. Their management team now has the skills needed to confront minor issues before they become major culture problems.

Does the culture of your events business feel like it’s out of your control?

Are you struggling to have the conversation needed to move your business forward?

Do you want to know more about Culture Building in an Events company?

Great Managers can help you. Register for our upcoming webinar to learn more about the management techniques that you need to learn.

Establishing a strong workplace culture in a construction business isn’t an easy task. Here’s how Great Managers helped one client make sweeping improvements.

Construction businesses have a lot to consider when it comes to building workplace culture.

Construction crews face the same challenges as most businesses. However, they also have a unique challenge to overcome. They have huge deliverables that require a lot of practical and hard work. This leads to many construction organisations focusing on technical skills over leadership.

Great Managers recognises the challenges of workplace culture in a construction business. Here’s how we helped one of our clients and what you can learn from our efforts.

Workplace Culture in a Construction Business Case Study

Our client operates a construction business that specialises in home improvement and property construction. They offer several services, including renovations and new builds. They pride themselves on providing reliable and high-quality services to clients. Furthermore, they aim to take the hassle out of the building process for their clients.

Innovation lies at the core of their work. Yet they’re always aware of the common issues that their clients face. Clients want work delivered quickly and within budget.

Their aim is to take control of projects on their client’s behalf. They then oversaw every aspect of the construction, from start to finish.

The organisation knew that its technical skills were up to par. Yet, they also recognised that they had some culture issues to take care of.

The Issues

Every construction business needs to undertake extensive planning before starting a job. But our client may not have planned as well as they could have. The organisation recognised that this lack of planning led to lost time and money. Avoidable mistakes got made on the job.

In the past, they’d double down and work through the problems. Our clients work in a physical industry and the team prides itself on getting things done. At times, this may have led to them rushing into their work out of eagerness. They didn’t take the time to sit back and think for a moment.

Construction is a very competitive industry. The team worked to very tight margins. This poor planning led to little mistakes that ate into their profits.

They needed help to make a change. That’s where Great Managers came in.

The Great Managers Solution

one degree shift

Pic: http://rivivenashville.org/

In many cases, building workplace culture does not require wholesale changes to your existing culture. Your culture may need a little tweak, rather than a huge change.

In our client’s case, we talked about the one-degree shift. This relates to making that small change that has massive benefits to your business.

The key was that they had to recognise that they operate a construction business.

Many in this industry haven’t received training in leadership. They excel when it comes to the technical aspects of building and compliance. But leadership is often seen as something that they will get to later.

Our clients experienced the problems that this mindset causes first-hand. They didn’t apply great leadership techniques in practical ways. Instead, they tried to work harder to overcome their issues. This didn’t encourage positive workplace behaviours. Plus, this mindset may have caused resentment to build in the team.

With Great Managers, they learned how to take a step back and thinking things through. Instead of taking a gung-ho approach to their work, they focused on planning.

They also adopted a simple mantra – do the front end really well.  This is one of 3 Great Managers mantras, but it was the most meaningful one to their business.

This led to them putting more thought into the business and planning aspect of their organisation.

The End Result

This one-degree shift in culture made a massive difference for our client. For the first time, the company focused as much on leadership as it did the technical aspects of its work.

Our client overcame its company culture problems. It overcame the behaviours that led to it struggling to complete projects on time and within budget. The little mistakes disappeared as they introduced more positive workplace behaviours.

The organisation’s leadership now thinks in terms of building a business. They also understand the importance of clarity. Our client has established behaviours that it expects its people to meet. Today, the company sets clear expectations up front about the work that they do.

They also take more time to think about their projects. This small shift in their planning routine leads to time and monetary savings and greater profit margins. These come from proper planning that benefits the construction process.

Building a Workplace Culture in a Construction Business – What Can You Learn?

Workplace Culture

This story offers some invaluable lessons to other organisations.

Here are three tips that you can take away and apply to your own construction business.

Tip #1 – Focus on Leadership

Our client made a mistake that’s common among those trying to build workplace culture in a construction business.

They focused too much on the technical aspects of their work.

The team dedicated a lot of its time to understanding compliance issues. They focused on developing the practical skills of their team.

That’s important. Without those practical skills, you can’t deliver on your projects.

But it’s also important to recognise that there’s a business lying behind that work.

Many construction organisations almost see leadership as a “luxury”. It’s something that they’ll get to at some point, once they’ve handled the other aspects of their work.

The problem is that this leads to company culture problems. In our client’s case, those problems cost money. With no effective leadership structure in place, waste occurs. That means you’re ordering too many materials or not planning your team’s time effectively.

In an industry with such small margins, that lack of leadership spells disaster.

Embracing the importance of leadership is the first step to building workplace culture in a construction business. You have to recognise that your business needs a set structure. This structure must define desired behaviours and practices.

With that recognition comes a desire to learn how to implement such practices. From there, you’re ready to start building a positive workplace culture.

Tip #2 – Take the Time to Plan

Construction organisations face another problem.

They work in an industry where clients value speed. Every client wants their job completed as quickly as possible. If they’re not seeing progress getting made, they start to get worried.

This causes some construction organisations to rush into their work. They complete the necessary planning when it comes to the technical aspects. Yet they don’t take any time to think about the project on a deeper level. They set no expectations for how they expect their crews to act or how they’ll manage the numbers.

This leads to the reactive approach that our client took before. They jumped into their work and reacted whenever a problem arose. For example, if they found they hadn’t ordered enough materials, they just ordered more and ploughed on. This would keep them on schedule. But they hadn’t accounted for these extra materials in their budget. As a result, that one mistake ate into their slim margins.

It all comes down to a simple question that you need to ask before starting the work:

“What do I need to do first before I start the job?”

You need to plan each day out and ensure material orders match the job’s requirements. You have to create an emergency budget in case things don’t go to plan.

Clients need to understand what you plan to do. This means a lot of front-end communication to establish clear expectations.

Your supervisors also have to understand their roles. They need to think like business leaders. That helps them to avoid the mistakes that cost the organisation money.

Workplace Culture

Tip #3 – Set Clear Expectations

This is where the concept of the one-degree shift comes into play.

In our client’s case, that shift related to the expectations that they set before their projects. Before, they focused almost entirely on delivering the work that the client expected.

That’s crucial. But it also meant they weren’t looking at the business side of things closely enough.

They weren’t communicating well enough with their subcontractors. Our client didn’t establish positive workplace behaviours for their crews to follow. While this didn’t affect the service they provided to customers, it did affect profit margins. It led to subcontractors becoming less efficient. This drove up the costs of completing their projects.

You need to establish clear guidelines for expected behaviour while on site. Everyone, from full-time employees to subcontractors, must follow these guidelines. This may involve training staff in terms of what you expect from them and what you consider positive workplace behaviours.

It’s not just the leadership’s thinking that has to shift. Your supervisors and your people also have to recognise that you’re operating a business.

Every mistake costs money. Often, those mistakes occur because you haven’t established clear expectations.

The Final Word

Leadership is often seen as something of a luxury in more practical industries. The focus often lies on getting the job done, rather than how to do the job efficiently.

It’s a small distinction that makes a lot of difference. Jumping straight into your work may make a good impression on clients. However, it also means you’re not taking the time needed to plan out the job effectively. You’re not paying close enough attention to the numbers behind it. Plus, you’re not establishing clear expectations.

That leads to mistakes that cost you time and money.

Building workplace culture in a construction business requires the one-degree shift that our client made. In their case, they needed to just take some extra time to plan to ensure they get everything right. They had to recognise the importance of establishing clear and upfront leadership. This allowed them to set guidelines for how they wanted their people to act.

This led to a reduction in mistakes and waste, which ultimately boosted profits.

Are mistakes and errors by your staff costing you time and money?

Are you struggling to establish a workplace culture in a construction business?

If you’re a construction business owner who’s experiencing these problems, Great Managers can help you. We invite you to register for our upcoming webinar to learn how you can do things differently.

Money is not the solution to all of your business woes, especially when it comes to your people. You may use cash as a motivator, but there are downsides that you need to know about.

Do you know how to motivate teams to do more?

Many managers will claim that a little bit of money goes a long way in motivating their teams. And there’s no denying that money helps motivation.

The problem comes when you start to see money as the only way to prop up motivation in the workplace. You start ignoring all of the staff motivation tools at your disposal and instead rely on cash to solve your problems.

But that doesn’t help with engagement. In fact, there are plenty of studies that demonstrate just how low money falls on the list of key motivators for staff.

A study published in the Journal of Vocational Behavior looked at the issue in more detail. A complex meta-analysis of ways to motivate staff showed that money doesn’t have the power that you may think. The study pulled together 120 years of research that looked at over 15,000 people.

And it found something remarkable.

It discovered that pay level correlated with job satisfaction levels in less than 2% of cases. Plus, the results were consistent no matter where you are in the world.

Other studies have examined the effect of money on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. In particular, offering monetary incentives for work lowers intrinsic motivation by over 30%.

On the other hand, you’re not exactly going to get people to work for free. Money has to play some role when it comes to ways to motivate staff.

It just may not be as large a role as you think.

In this article, Great Managers deep dive into the subject. We’ll look at the good & bad of using money as a motivator. Then we’ll look at other key motivators and some fun ideas to motivate teams that don’t require money.

All of this in an effort to answer the big question.

Does money motivate employees?

The Pros and Cons of Using Money as a Motivator

Before looking at the pros and cons of using money as one of your ways to motivate staff, let’s look at the various ways that you can do it.

Salary is the most obvious. A raise is often seen as a reward for hard work and almost comes as standard as part of a promotion. But there are plenty of other ways that you may use money to motivate teams.

You may have incentive schemes that offer cash bonuses based on performance. Or, you may offer your people stock options or operate a profit sharing scheme.

All of these things can and will motivate your people…to an extent.

The Pros

Unfortunately, money is not a perfect solution. There’s both good and bad in using money to motivate teams.

Let’s look at the pros first.

Pro #1 – It’s Straightforward

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This is perhaps the chief reason why managers use money to try to motivate people. There’s no challenge in giving somebody a raise or a cash bonus. As long as you have the budget for it, you can just throw money at somebody and that’s it.

There’s no need for personalisation and you don’t have to know much about the person. That simplicity makes money a favoured method for highlighting individual achievement too. A monetary incentive scheme can reward people for good work and provide employees something to aim for.

Pro #2 – You Get Short-Term Productivity Gains

Using money can help you motivate employees to work harder in the short term.

For example, let’s say that you have a difficult project with a tight deadline. In such cases, you may not be able to use many staff motivation tools. Time is too short and you can’t spend it on any of the methods that this article covers below.

The use of monetary incentives can give your people the short-term motivational boost needed to push through such a project. Something like a bonus scheme can raise productivity beyond normal levels until the project concludes.

Pro #3 – It Offers an Element of Control

The right monetary incentive scheme can offer your people a sense of control over their financial situation.

Bonus schemes and commission structures both offer good examples of this. An employee may see these as ways to top up their salary to help them achieve something in their personal lives. They know that if they work harder or complete certain tasks, they’ll be able to boost their income.

This level of control leaves the decisions in the hands of your people. They can make work decisions based on the financial incentives on offer.

The Cons

Ease of implementation and short-term productivity gains make money an attractive choice.

But there are plenty of downsides to using money as a motivator. These are some of the cons.

Con #1 – It’s Addictive

When you rely on money as one of your chief ways to motivate staff, you set a precedent.

Your people start to expect monetary rewards in return for hard work. In essence, they become addicted to your incentive schemes. If you take away the monetary reward, you’ll often find that your people stop giving their all. They’ve become accustomed to your use of money as a motivator and can no longer motivate themselves when money isn’t on offer.

This can prove disastrous for your business. Your organisation will have to budget specifically for the monetary incentives needed to keep your people going. And you can’t take those incentives away and expect to get the same returns.

This “addiction” works both ways too. Many managers become glued to the idea of using money to spur motivation in the workplace. They either have no other ideas or think that nothing else will work as well as cash.

In all cases, this costs organisations money and drastically alters the working environment.

Con #2 – Monetary Incentives Discourage Innovation

Motivation in the workplace,motivate teams

Most managers will tell you that they want their people to be innovative and creative. After all, new ideas help organisations to avoid stagnation.

Using money as a motivator does not spur on this innovation. Instead, it encourages your people to comply with whatever it is they need to do to earn the money.

Think of it like this.

Let’s say you have a sales team and you’re providing a monetary incentive to anybody who hits a set sales target. Your team will put all of its focus into hitting that target. But in doing so, they’re not coming up with any fresh ideas that could benefit the organisation. They’re just complying with a target.

If you extend such schemes throughout the entire organisation, the problem deepens. Innovation and new ideas don’t have the same tangible rewards as hitting targets. Of course, that means people won’t put any thought into those aspects of their work.

Con #3 – Money Doesn’t Solve Culture Issues

Money may give your people a short-term boost to deal with immediate problems.

But when it comes to how to inspire a team, money is almost a non-factor. People expect to receive payment for their work. But they also want to work in an environment that makes them feel happy to do the job. They need their work to have purpose and they want to work with great colleagues.

Perhaps most importantly, they need a leader who knows what it takes to be a Great Manager.

All of these key motivators have one thing in common:

Money doesn’t affect them.

It doesn’t matter how much money an organisation makes. If people hate working for it, motivation levels will always fall. And a monetary motivator will only offer a short-term boost before the same issues with culture and purpose rise up again.

Money doesn’t deal with the emotional wellbeing of your people. It doesn’t help you to motivate them based on their personal and career ambitions.

Relying on it for every motivational issue that occurs means you’re ignoring the root causes. Your people take notice and become less productive because they know that money is the only thing that seems to matter.

How the Big Players Do It

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The above covers some of the good and bad of using money to motivate people.

In short, money is one of the short-term ways to motivate staff. But you can’t rely on it to deal with your organisation’s cultural issues.

Yet it’s these cultural issues that often have a larger effect on motivation.

Some of the world’s largest organisations, such as Disney and Facebook, recognise this too. And they’ve come up with plenty of staff motivation tools that don’t rely on monetary incentives. Let’s look at a few examples of how the big players confront motivational issues.

Disney’s Shock and Awe

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For now, let’s look at a story from way back when Walt Disney was still making movies.

One day, Walt told one of his employees, Mike Vance, about an issue that he had. His brother would no longer finance Walt’s films, so he needed to figure out how to get more money from Disneyland.

Mike got to work. He pulled together a team containing seven people and they started by looking at the park schedule. At the time, Disneyland only stayed open for five days per week – Wednesday to Sunday.

Naturally, the first idea was to open the park on the two days during which it was usually closed. But the team didn’t think that would work. Nobody would want to come.

That’s when they came up with a great idea – The Magic Kingdom Club. This club would comprise solely of corporate members. It also allowed these members to give discounted Disneyland tickets to employees for Mondays and Tuesdays.

The plan worked to perfection. In fact, it generated so much money that Walt Disney sent Mickey Mouse himself to the doors of each team member on Christmas day.

Mickey presented each with $25,000 and a note from Walt that said the following:

“It’s fantastic. You’re fantastic. Do it again.”

All seven of the team’s members went to the office that very afternoon to come up with more ideas.

Now, you’re probably looking at the money that Disney gave to his people. There’s no doubt that it was a nice surprise.

But that surprise is actually the key point. Nobody on the team expected a reward of any kind for just doing their job. But they received one. And it came with a handwritten note of congratulations and gratitude from Walt Disney himself.

It’s a shock and awe tactic. The money is only secondary in this story. It’s the gesture of gratitude that’s the most important thing to take away from the tale.

Show your people that you really care about them in order to motivate them. Sure, an unexpected monetary bonus can help. But so can other gestures, such as a thank-you or extra holiday time.

Google’s Workplace Culture

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The above story combines monetary incentives with shock and awe motivational tactics.

But it’s also only a short-term solution. You’ll need more long-term staff motivation tools to keep your employees happy. And that’s where it’s a good idea to look to one of the largest organisations in the world – Google.

Google is widely-renowned for focusing on creating a great workplace experience for its people.

Monetary compensation is certainly a part of the package. But it’s the overall culture that the company creates that has a much larger effect on its people. Let’s look at two staff motivation tools that Google uses that show it doesn’t try to rely on money to motivate its people.

Tool #1 – Personalised Perks

Google goes to greater lengths than any other organisation when it comes to employee perks.

For example, Google offers financial support to its employees if they want to adopt children. It also offers 18 weeks’ worth of full pay to those who go on maternity leave. The company even covers the cost of $500 worth of take-out meals for the first three months of the baby’s life.

That’s not all. The company offers an array of services, such as dry cleaning, a car wash, and on-site fitness facilities. Plus, meals are all free in the organisation’s cafeterias.

All of these may seem like monetary incentives at first. But look a little bit deeper and you’ll see the difference.

Google isn’t just offering a bit of cash in return for hard work. It’s providing an array of services that allow its people to deal with the many personal issues that they face. This, in turn, improves motivation in the workplace.

Google recognises the importance of spending time with a newborn child. It also knows its people may struggle to complete some tasks during the day, so it offers relevant services on-site.

Google constantly demonstrates that it cares about its people. That’s why it’s often rated as one of the best organisations to work for by its employees.

Tool #2 – Constant Transparency

A Center for Generational Kinetics survey unveiled some interesting information on workplace transparency.

Only 55% of people think their managers are fully transparent. The rest think important information gets hidden from them. And that means they distrust their managers, which affects motivation in the workplace.

Google goes to great lengths to use its transparency as one of its key staff motivation tools.

Every quarter, the company’s board holds a meeting to discuss future strategy. Just a couple of weeks after that meeting, these same materials get shared with all of the company’s employees.

This means that everyone knows what Google wants to work on and where it intends to go.

It’s a simple act that allows Google’s people to engage with the organisation’s vision.

Google goes a step further with its annual employee feedback surveys. The organisation releases the results – anonymously, of course – for all to see. Then, it takes action on the feedback and shares the results.

All of this builds trust within the team, which leads to better results.

Facebook’s Flexibility

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Another of the world’s tech giants, Facebook also places a great focus on ways to motivate teams.

One of its most creative ways to motivate employees lies in the flexibility that it provides.

It all starts with mobility. Most organisations provide desktop computers and assign office space to their people. Facebook does the same with office space. But it instead provides laptops that allow its people to move wherever they want to work.

If the office gets too loud, people have the freedom to unplug and move to the cafeteria or find a small nook away from the hustle and bustle.

There are also libraries and meeting rooms in Facebook’s buildings that employees can use.

Here’s the point. Facebook doesn’t punish its people for not working at their desks. It understands that people work in a variety of ways. By accounting for this, it keeps its people happy and boosts motivation in the workplace.

But the flexibility doesn’t end there. Facebook also accounts for its people’s personal needs.

For example, it doesn’t enforce rigid office hours. Again, this shows a great understanding of the differences between people. Some prefer getting in bright and early, whereas others are night-owls who work best during the evening. Facebook uses flexible working hours as one of its key ways to motivate staff.

On top of that, employees have the option to work from home whenever needed.

Facebook offers all of this within reason. People who take advantage of Facebook’s flexible staff motivation tools may run into issues. But the fact that Facebook offers such flexibility is a massive motivator that doesn’t require money.

A Few More Examples

Those are some stories and creative ways to motivate employees from three major organisations. But plenty of other large businesses have their own ways to motivate staff.

For example, Airbnb allows its people to bring their pets to work. That’s a massive plus for anybody who’s afraid of leaving an animal at home for hours at a time. In fact, this little perk makes keeping a pet with a lot of needs possible for its employees.

Mindcandy looks towards more fun ideas to motivate employees. The entertainment group uses a huge red slide to connect its office’s top and bottom floors. There’s even a treehouse for its people to explore. Plus, it holds a “Beer O’ Clock” hour every Friday.

So, what can you take from all of this?

All of these companies have different ideas when it comes to motivating staff. But all of these ideas have to common threads:

  1. They focus on creating an enjoyable and productive workplace.
  2. They demonstrate an understanding of the personal needs of employees.

It’s through taking care of your people that you will keep them motivated. Money is just one of many staff motivation tools. Moreover, it’s perhaps the most ineffectual, at least when it comes to long-term productivity.

These techniques focus on the long-term goals of creating a great workplace and keeping employees engaged. Unsurprisingly, all of the organisations mentioned above have also achieved great success.

Ways to Motivate Teams Without Using Money

By now, you’re getting a good idea of how to be a motivational leader. You know it’s not all about money. Instead, it’s about the culture that you create and the staff motivation tools that you put in place.

The world’s largest organisations offer some interesting ideas. But many of them may be out of reach for you.

That’s okay.

There are plenty of creative ways to motivate teams that don’t require you to rebuild the office. Here are ten examples to get you started.

Technique #1 – Celebrate Your Wins

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Every time your team achieves a goal or reaches a milestone is a cause for celebration. However, many managers just ignore these achievements entirely.

This means they’re not showing any gratitude to their staff.

Failing to celebrate is particularly damaging when your people have gone above and beyond. If you don’t acknowledge the success, you’re not inspiring them to push hard with the next project. Instead, you’re telling them that what they’ve just achieved doesn’t matter.

That’s not how to inspire a team.

So, celebrate the wins, no matter how small they may seem. Something like Mindcandy’s Friday happy hour works well here. But there are many other ways to celebrate. A small office party at the end of the week or a pizza at lunchtime shows that you care. Better yet, these small celebrations bring your people together and strengthen the bonds they have with one another.

Technique #2 – Avoid Boring Routines

Imagine the scene.

You come into work and you have a list of tasks to complete. This is the same list that you had for the previous day. And it’s the same list you’ll have for every day after today.

You’re stuck in a routine and the monotony threatens to destroy any motivation you once had.

It doesn’t sound very appealing, does it?

Yet so many managers allow their people to fall into boring routines. But this only encourages your people to achieve the bare minimum.

Occasional breaks in the routine can have a massive effect on employee motivation. Give people unique tasks that challenge their skills. Allow them to explore their creativity.

Sure, the routine stuff still needs to get done. But if that’s all your employees do, they’ll soon disengage.

Technique #3 – Encourage Mindfulness

Embracing mindfulness is one of the more creative ways to motivate employees. It’s also something that you may not have considered because it seems like it would have a negative effect on productivity.

Mindfulness is a simple concept. It’s the act of taking a step back and appreciating what’s going on around you.

And it can have huge benefits when it comes to your employees’ stress levels. That’s important because stress has huge effects on motivation levels. In fact, it costs the Australian economy about $10 billion annually.

Mindfulness allows people to unplug from whatever’s causing them stress so they can take a few moments for themselves. That makes it one of the most unexpected ways to motivate teams.

Technique #4 – Use Intrinsic Rewards

Debates still rage about the varying values of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Money is an extrinsic motivator because it provides a direct reward for an action. But with intrinsic motivation, the reward comes from the action itself.

That’s the sort of motivation that you need to encourage.

Intrinsic motivation comes from working on things that you care about and having great belief in an organisation’s goals.

That means that your organisation’s values, culture, and vision all affect it. If your people don’t believe in what they’re doing, there’s a limit to how hard they’ll work.

It’s not enough to have a vision. You need to ingrain it into every aspect of your culture. Make it clear and act upon it all times. This helps your people to care about the vision, which turns it into an intrinsic motivator.

Technique #5 – Embrace Creativity

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Facebook’s flexibility doesn’t just provide for the personal needs of its people. It also allows them to express themselves creatively.

Here’s the key thing to remember. Everybody works in different ways. Some prefer to be part of a team environment at all times. Others may appreciate the opportunity to sequester themselves away to put some thought into new ideas.

The most important thing is that your organisation embraces creativity. Give people the opportunities that they need to explore new ideas. As importantly, take those ideas on board and implement the best of them. Demonstrating that you put new ideas into practice is one of the best ways to foster motivation in the workplace. Plus, it helps your business to avoid stagnation.

Technique #6 – Make Changes to the Scenery

You may not want to build a huge red slide like Mindcandy did. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t make some changes to the workplace scenery.

Even something as simple as rearranging the office or using brighter colours can improve motivation levels.

Natural light exposure is also a surprisingly big motivator. A study entitled Impact of Workplace Daylight Exposure on Sleep, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life took a closer look at this. It found that people who work in offices that have windows enjoy 46 minutes of extra sleep per night. More sleep means less stress, which means higher motivation levels.

Your office may not have windows. As such, taking your people outside for a little bit is one of the more creative ways to motivate teams. That little change of scenery, and addition of natural light, can have a huge effect.

Technique #7 – Always Explain the Why

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Let’s imagine you have a task for your team to complete.

Many managers keep things as simple as possible when assigning this task. They just tell their people what to do and leave it at that.

But that’s not how to inspire a team. Your people will have no idea about the purpose behind the task, which makes them less likely to put their full effort into it.

Whenever you assign a task, take a few moments to explain the purpose behind it. Talk about how it will help the organisation to achieve a certain goal or what it will do for your people.

This plays into Google’s efforts with transparency. You’re helping your people see what you want to achieve, which motivates them because you’re being honest with them.

Technique #8 – Provide Regular Feedback

Did you know that 69% of people would feel motivated to work harder if they felt they received some recognition for their efforts?

Despite this, only 58% of managers believe they offer enough feedback to their people. And many of them may not offer as much as they think they do.

This needs to change. How you communicate with your people has an effect on motivation in the workplace. People want to know how they’re progressing and what they can do to improve. If you’re not offering feedback, you’re giving them nothing to focus on.

Try to hold weekly or monthly feedback sessions with your people. Use them to focus on what they’re doing well and provide some guidance where needed.

Technique #9 – Encourage Autonomy

In My Way or the Highway, Harry Chambers covered the topic of micromanagement. He says that 79% of people have felt micromanaged at some point during their careers. Of those people, 85% said that micromanagement damaged their morale.

The message is clear. Micromanagement has a negative impact on your people’s productivity.

Those who have what it takes to be a Great Manager recognise one simple thing. They need to trust the people that they hire.

Micromanagers don’t have that trust, which is why they’re constantly looking over their employees’ shoulders. Their people pick up on this and feel disheartened.

When you give somebody a task, trust that they have the skills to do it. They’ll feel much happier, which boosts motivation.

Technique #10 – Act According to the Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is a simple one that all managers must remember:

“Do to others what you would have them do to you.”

Never forget that you’re an employee too. Even if you’re at the head of your organisation, you’re still just as much a part of it as even your newest hire.

There cannot be one rule for you and another for everybody else.

Holding everybody accountable to the same set of rules is one of the better ways to motivate staff. But the Golden Rule extends further than that. Treat people with respect and encourage them to perform to the best of their abilities. You’ll motivate your people because they’ll see that you consider them your equals.

Keeping Yourself Motivated

The Golden Rule brings up an interesting point.

You are often one of the best staff motivation tools that you have at your disposal. Your people take their cues from you. If you treat them poorly or act by a different set of rules, they’ll grow to resent you.

But there’s more to it than that. Your people also look at the way that you carry yourself and how you approach your tasks. A negative attitude reflects onto your people, who carry that attitude into their work. But if you’re positive and motivated yourself, you’ll inspire the same feelings in others.

This may be one of the biggest aspects of how to be a motivational leader. And again, using your attitude to affect motivation levels requires no money at all.

But it does raise an issue:

How do you keep yourself motivated enough to motivate your people?

Here are a few tips from some of the world’s top leaders.

Oprah Winfrey – Be Ambitious With Your Vision

You may know Oprah Winfrey as a leading American television personality. But she’s also an entrepreneur who’s made innovative strides in broadcast and web technology.

She offers the following slice of motivational wisdom: “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.”

Winfrey makes a simple point. If you don’t believe in yourself and what you’re doing, you’ll never feel motivated. For that, you need a grand vision to inspire you.

But how do you apply this to your work?

Try to think of every task in terms of how it helps you to take a step closer to achieving your vision. If you can figure out where the task slots into that plan, you’ll feel more motivated to complete it.

Steve Jobs – Know When to Make a Change

Routine can destroy your passion and motivation in the same way that it can negatively affect your people. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs knew this, which is why he always asked himself the same question every morning:

“If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?”

Jobs pointed towards his own mortality as a huge motivator. But he makes a brighter point here. Jobs’ question allows you to look closer at what you’re doing with your professional life.

He added: “…Whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”

Your lack of motivation may stem from stagnation. Ask Jobs’ question of yourself every day and you’ll find out if you need to change something.

Steven Spielberg – Never Make Money Your Goal

Acclaimed film director Steven Spielberg has created some of the finest silver screen extravaganzas of the modern age.

And he agrees with the opinion that money is not the motivator that many people think it is.

“I’m not really interested in making money. That’s always come as the result of success,” he says. “But it’s not been my goal, and I’ve had a tough time proving that to people.”

Spielberg would likely say “no” if you asked himdoes money motivate teams?”

Your reason for doing what you’re doing is your most important motivator. Whenever you start to feel unmotivated, remind yourself of that reason. Use it to give yourself the drive to keep pushing forward.

If money is your only driving force, you’ll often end up in bad situations. You’ll take on projects that you have no passion for just because they’re high earners. Again, your people see this lack of motivation and respond in kind.

The Final Word

We come back to the original question:

Does money motivate employees?

It can, to an extent. When used sparingly, monetary incentives can be a good way of achieving short-term goals.

But it doesn’t allow you to create long-term motivation in the workplace. For that, you’ll need more effective staff motivation tools.

Always remember that money is not the main motivator for most of your people. They have other goals, both personal and professional. They need to feel like their work has purpose and that you appreciate everything that they do. Your people want to innovate and create.

Help them to reach their goals and understand their purpose. That’s how you motivate teams without money.

Moreover, don’t forget that some of the world’s most successful people aren’t motivated by money. They find other ways to motivate themselves and success follows.

Are you struggling to motivate your people? If so, you’re not alone. After all, 65% of employees claim they’d prefer a new manager over a pay raise.

Don’t be one of those managers that your people want to replace.

Register for the next Great Managers webinar to learn even more about motivating your people.

High-Performing Teams are not formed overnight, nor are they achieved in a seminar or weekend retreat.

Teams that are pieced together with little planning, few resources, and little support are going to be high-maintenance rather than high-performing and will not result in any organisational advantage.

Dysfunctional teams drain time, money and energy away from you, and your organisation.

In the above extract from a recent Great Managers MasterClass we look at:

  • The benefits of a High Performing Team
  • Problems that arise if Teams are Dysfunctional
  • Patrick Lencioni’s Model (5 Ways to Develop a High Performing Team)


If you would like to view the full-length lesson on How to Build a High Performing Team, for a limited time you can subscribe to the Great Managers MasterClass for free. *Click here for more info.*

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5 Ways to Develop a High Performing Team – An Introduction to the Lencioni Model

The benefits of a high performing team, (what’s in it for you).

We get engaged employees in a high performing team.

They tend to be more productive and more committed.

The other thing you’ll see is that there’s more effective decision-making. Decisions come a bit easier sometimes, and there’s not a lot of resistance around the decision-making process.

People have input and there’s more flow with them.

We tend to see better customer service and also stakeholder relationships.

Any conflict is constructive, not destructive, (there is a big difference).

There tend to be higher levels of job satisfaction, and higher levels of growth. (That could be organisational growth, or it can be personal growth).

The good thing is there’s less effort for managers in a high performing team.

One of our Great Managers Mantras is about valuing your energy like the precious resource that it is. That’s where it starts to pay off… when the team’s working really well.

Obviously, there are better overall results in a high performing team too.

ways to develop a high performing team,trust,lencioni modelProblems with a Dysfunctional Team

Now, the flip side of that, if teams are dysfunctional, they cost you big time.

In terms of your own time, the organisation’s time, quality of outcomes, the results, money, and most importantly, your energy.

Dysfunctional teams can sap the life out of you and others.

Now, it’s important to know that if a team is dysfunctional, everyone knows it.

People within the team know, “This isn’t working well.”

Particularly people outside your team looking in know that the team’s dysfunctional.

Guess what? They actually hold the leader responsible.

That’s why it’s really important that you know how to deliberately and skillfully build a high performing team.

An Introduction to Patrick Lencioni’s Model (5 Ways to Develop a High Performing Team)Patrick Lencioni,hpt,how to build a high performing team,lencioni model,Ways to Develop a High Performing Team

Let’s have a look now at Patrick Lencioni’s Model.  It’s very practical for helping teams improve and become not just functional, but high performing.

I’ve adapted this model from the book, “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.”

His wording is a little bit different than we use.  I have used this model running workshops hundreds of times and it really does work!

I’ve worked with teams over a longer period of time and seen the transition out of dysfunctional into high performing.

Have a look at the model. It’s got five levels, and each level is dependent on the level below it.

The top level is attention to results.

To get results, you need accountability.

You can’t get accountability without commitment, (which is similar to engagement).

You can’t get commitment without having constructive conflict, or what we call robust discussion and then that is based on trust.

Now, what I’ve noticed over the years is that when teams aren’t getting results, their attention goes onto their results. (Their KPIs, targets etc).

They rarely explore the lower levels, and this is where Lencioni’s work is quite practical.

Lencioni says that teamwork ultimately comes down to practising a small set of principles over a longer period of time.

Success is not a matter of mastering sophisticated theory, but rather embracing common sense with uncommon levels of discipline and persistence.

It’s about understanding human beings, and the way that we work best.

great managers masterclass

Next Steps

If you would like to view the full-length lesson on How to Build a High Performing Team, for a limited time you can subscribe to our MasterClass for free. Click here for more info.

Did you know that you have a huge effect on motivation in the workplace? An uninspired leader creates teams that produce uninspired results. Discover the habits of the most motivational leaders…

It may seem like the most motivational leaders have an innate ability to get more from their teams. They know what it takes to be a great manager and how to inspire a team.

Figuring out new ways to motivate staff seems to come easily to them.

But what if we told you that motivational leaders aren’t just born that way? Most of them work hard to embody the qualities that can inspire others to success. They develop key habits that lead others to feel motivated just by being around them.

Simply put, becoming a motivational leader is something that you can train for.

It all starts with your own habits. After all, your people take their cues from you. If they see you exhibiting motivational habits, they’re more likely to feel motivated to work for you. These are the 10 habits that you most commonly see in motivational leaders.

Motivational Leaders’ Habit #1 – They Listen to Employees

Every person wants to feel as though their manager cares about their opinions. They want to feel comfortable in communicating their ideas and feel confident that some action gets taken for those ideas. Even if the idea doesn’t get used, their manager still listens to what they have to say.

Despite this, a shocking number of managers don’t listen to their employees. They may ask questions and get answers, but they’re not really hearing what their people have to say. Instead, they’re so set on their own ideas that they don’t listen to other people’s thoughts.

That’s a fast way of dropping motivation in the workplace. If your people don’t feel like they have voices, they’ll stop talking. They’ll just keep their heads down and do what’s asked of them. All of the while, they’re coming up with ideas that they never share with their managers.

Motivational leaders listen to their employees. They want to learn as much as possible about their people. This creates stronger relationships that lead to innovation and great results.

motivational leaders

Motivational Leaders’ Habit #2 – They Communicate Often

Feedback is crucial to your people’s motivation levels. Your people want to know what they’re doing well and what they could improve on. They need recognition while also getting a sense of what they should do in order to progress.

Yet 69% of managers don’t feel comfortable when talking to their people.

There’s a disconnect that causes them to struggle in providing feedback. This leads to them avoiding opportunities for communication. Much like with not listening, failing to communicate leads to employees disengaging. They feel like you don’t care, which means they don’t care either.

Motivational leaders go in the opposite direction. They communicate often and with confidence. They articulate clearly, which helps their people to understand the direction they need to go in. Offering direction is one of the most important staff motivation tools at your disposal. Use your feedback sessions to ensure your people know what you need from them.

Motivational Leaders’ Habit #3 – They Study Problems

Every organisation has its problems. But it’s how you deal with these challenges that separates you from leaders who can’t inspire their people.

You’ll often find that inspirational leaders have a habit of sitting back and studying problems. To some, this may seem like they’re taking a passive approach. But this is actually an important technique.

Studying a problem allows you to understand its root causes. As a result, you don’t react to the immediate issue that manifests. Instead, you look deeper into that problem to come up with a solution that has much wider implications.

Your people will see that you actually put time into solving issues and they’ll follow your example. They’ll feel motivated to apply the same levels of diligence to the problems that they encounter. On the whole, this leads to a healthier and more productive organisation.

When you understand the problem, your people have more trust and belief in the solution that you create.

Motivational Leaders’ Habit #4 – They Promote Purpose

A survey from Imperative highlighted some important statistics about purpose in the workplace. It found that 48% of those classed as “baby boomers” prioritise having a purpose over their pay cheques.

That number does decrease as respondents get younger. But even 30% of millennials believe that having a purpose is a better motivator than a big paycheque.

What can you take from this?

It’s simple. The best motivators understand that they need to give their people a reason to work. The pay you offer only gets you so far. Your people will just do what’s needed to earn that pay if that’s all you offer. But an employee with a purpose has a reason to push harder and achieve better results.

Great motivators understand this. That’s why they have purpose-centric habits, such as having clear visions and providing defined goals for employees.

Motivational Leaders’ Habit #5 – They Create Optimism

Everybody has days when they don’t feel entirely positive about what they’re doing. You may have a bunch of menial tasks to compete. Or, the project that you’re working on doesn’t inspire you.

For managers, this can lead to them showing a lack of optimism for their work. And as we’ve established, your people take their cues from you. If you’re not optimistic, your people won’t be either.

A motivational leader has the ability to feel optimistic in all that they do. This is easy enough when you’re working on something for which you have great passion. But it’s a bigger challenge when you’re working on a task that may not interest you.

The key is to think about what that task offers in the long term. How does it affect the organisation and its people? What will completing it open the door to?

Define a purpose for the task and it’s much easier to feel optimistic about it. From there, you’ll inspire optimism in your people.

Motivational Leaders’ Habit #6 – They Challenge the Status Quo

Any manager can fall in line with the status quo. An organisation may have a set way of doing things. You may see a better way, but don’t implement it because doing so would rock the boat.

Those aren’t the actions of a motivational leader. People who know what it takes to be a great manager know that you need to shake things up occasionally. If something isn’t working well, you take the steps needed to correct it.

That’s a massive motivational force for your people. If they see that you want to bring about change, they’ll feel compelled to share their ideas with you. Moreover, they’ll benefit directly from the changes that you do bring about. As a result, they’re more likely to offer their support when you instigate change.

Motivational Leaders’ Habit #7 – They Tailor Incentives

Every person in your organisation has different motivations. Failing to understand those individual motivations leads to your people disengaging. They want to feel like they’re working towards what really matters to them. That means they need managers who understand their goals and facilitate the achievement of them.

That’s what inspirational leaders do. They learn about their people and what really drives them. This allows them to tailor incentives to the individual, rather than the collective.

That’s not to say that collective incentives don’t have a motivational effect. But if something will benefit an individual directly, they’re more likely to work towards it. A motivational leader understands this and thus makes it a habit to create tailored incentive plans.

Motivational Leaders’ Habit #8 – They’re Transparent

A shocking 58% of people say they would trust a stranger more than they trust their boss.

Now, think about how you react to people that you don’t trust. It’s unlikely that you’re willing to give your all to help them. You may even go out of your way to do as little as possible for them.

That’s how your people will act if they don’t trust you. As a result, offering transparency is one of the most important habits of a motivational leader.

Such leaders talk openly with their people and don’t try to hide important information from them. They don’t play people against each other and they’re always quick to inform people about what’s going on with the organisation.

motivational leaders

Motivational Leaders’ Habit #9 – They Set High Standards

The standards that you set for yourself are also one of your biggest staff motivation tools. If you don’t work to the best of your abilities, you’re showing your people what you expect from them. They’ll only work as hard as they need to because they know that you have low standards.

That’s why a motivational leader will always push themselves to achieve more. They’ve gotten to where they are on the back of their hard work. Once they’re in management roles, they don’t rest on their laurels. Instead, they keep pushing to raise the standards expected from the organisation.

This simple act inspires others to do the same. Their people follow their lead, which creates highly motivated and productive teams.

Motivational Leaders’ Habit #10 – They Confront Productivity Obstacles

Think about all of the obstacles that may hold you back from achieving something. Fear is often a big one. Self-doubt ranks up there, as does lacking the resources needed.

These obstacles may feel insurmountable to employees. Fearing what might happen if you push yourself and fail is a feeling that you’re likely familiar with. So is feeling like you don’t have the tools needed to get the job done.

Inspirational leaders have a simple habit for such obstacles. They confront them and break through them. They help those who fear consequences push past that fear. They reinforce the confidence of those who may doubt themselves. Moreover, great leaders provide the tools that their people need to become more productive.

Adopt the Habits of Motivational Leaders

Unmotivated people produce poor results. You can see this in the engagement statistics. A lack of engagement costs businesses an estimated $300 billion per year. Moreover, engaged teams offer 38% more productivity.

You need to become a motivational leader to get the most out of your people. That means developing key habits, such as:

  • Learn how to communicate properly with your people.
  • Become a problem-solver.
  • Create a positive and optimistic workplace culture.
  • Set the standards that you expect your people to follow.
  • Remove productivity obstacles.

Remember, a Great Manager can DOUBLE the capacity of their people.

Register for our next free webinar to learn more about the habits that motivational leaders use to get better results.